Saturday, June 6, 2009

morning run

Me, Myself, and I, and God went for an early morning run. It was super because I was the only one up. I'm thinking there are some benefits to getting up before everyone else, now. I used to be the last one out of bed on a Saturday.

It was on my heart to pray some of the prayers I had learned as a young child. Because of time changes of services at my old church, I attend a different church, with different traditions. We only pray the Lord's prayer every Sunday at my new church, and the Apostles Creed is only said during communion once a month. So, I prayed the Creed. It became the tempo for my run -- and will hopefully remain my tempo for the day. It's a new day full of new promises: don't raise my voice, don't say anything negative, don't correct people on petty things. It's like a love dare for my whole life. (I'd love to do the love dare with my spouse, too, must get on looking in to that book).

I wish you all peace for the day with your new endeavours. I've enjoyed telling you mine : pray and be peaceful. and BELIEVE!

1 comment:

  1. Your run sounds glorious! Seth is up and gone before the sun most days (even today.) So those are rare opportunities for me!


Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...