Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am a tree...

One of my new favorite books of the Bible is Jeremiah. Aside from military strategy and justice-filled passages, questions are heartily answered for this prophet. My favorite verse is Jeremiah 17:7-10. From the New King James Version:
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit."
I was a part of the MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) ministry for several years, and met some amazing, wonderful women. Last year, when I was graduating (no longer going to have pre-schoolers) I was asked to give my testimony; I was nervous, because I didn't think I had one. It (my testimony) certainly was not dramatic, or even exciting. I was blessed to be brought up in a Christian home and faith. I definitely remember it "clicking" for me in the 5th grade (the importance of faith, Jesus's sacrifice), and consciously making a choice to follow Christ, but it was without any fanfare or huge revelations. Conciously choosing this was very natural. So, being asked to speak on my love for the Lord, I was nervous... I just didn't have an especially exciting story to tell. How wrong, that thought is, though!!! All of our stories are exciting! And, they all mean something very profound for each of us.

This Jeremiah verse literally fell open for me (I was like, "Alright, I need a verse for my talk, speak to me!") the night before my testimony. There it was! I instantly had my verse, my important message, my testimony! This verse, to me, speaks of consistency. On being consistent in loving, and praying, and trusting. Loving God, praying to Him faithfully, and trusting in the Lord. I love the image of a tree growing up and out, and remaining strong. I especially like the part about not being anxious, as I am riddled with anxiety constantly.

I think, being the parent of a child with special needs, that this verse is powerful. It says don't worry, remain faithful, you will still bear fruit. I think, for everyday worries (money is tight, children are loud, best friend is moving), remain faithful... you will still bear fruit! How true this is with Jesus help, the Holy Spirit's guidance, and trust in the Lord!


  1. Hey Kristen:

    Excellent blog. Sometimes we as believers get caught up in the whole "bells and whistles" salvation experience, but it's not that way for everyone. The main thing is that we come to Christ by faith. Then people will know our faith by how we treat them and respond to various situations.

    Your testimony will definitely bless others and people need to hear because people need to know Christ. The fact that Christ saved any of us is a testimony in itself.

  2. Your testimony was powerful Kristen! I think it touched many because it wasn't some dramatic happening. Many of us just need to be reminded that we are a tree with our roots deep in His well. He will refresh our souls and provide what we need. (Love those verses!!)

  3. Thank you all for the wonderful comments and encouragement! I really appreciate your comments!


Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...