Monday, June 8, 2009


It was a nice day!! We (kind of) did some homeschooling (aka: lots of reading), we helped a few friends out (aka: babysitting), we had dinner with one of my best friends (aka: "A").
Going out to eat is sooooo fun. It is a little more stressful because we have to ask lots of ingredient questions (picture the waiter coming out of the kitchen with the huge, industrial size can of apple sauce on the tray), but still fun. And I. do. not. cook. Well. at all, for real. Pancakes are a gourmet meal at our house, and spaghetti is always good, but otherwise, I'm just not that great at it.

My daughters love to cook and bake. My son is even getting into it. I would rather take a bath, read a book, (vacuum, dust, sweep) or do anything else! Not only do my kids like to cook, but I am now pushed into it more, because my son has so many allergies. I have to do something I don't enjoy, for the greater good of the family. That is life, I suppose.

I'm embracing cooking, the way "A" is embracing rain. Reluctantly, but whole heartily, for the greater good. I'm sure we'll come out of our challenges for the better, but it isn't that much fun to go through them. I think I love going out to eat because the stress is not on to perform, or create something everyone will like. I like that I can pick what I want, and everyone else can pick what they want, and then everyone is happy (and happier than they would be with my cooking). It's good!

Prayer news: continue to pray for "A" (yup, still a contract!). Pray for my friend M; she is going through a really tough spot.

Other news: My husband was the only one who didn't kill his simulated patient in airway training today! This is a big deal, and a long story -- just be happy for him! Yea! and everyone sleep well. Goodnight!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Kristen! I am finally on here leaving you a message. K. can't wait to see T. K. has been asking about him. K. is in a play on Wednesday night at Blake Farm. The play is called OzRocks (The Wizard of Oz and School House Rock combined). It's a really cool play. K. is reporter #2. K. is VERY excited about his part in the play. It starts at 6pm if you guys can make it. I see T. is doing fairly well on his diet. I was glad to read that. I can't wait for our play date coming up soon. See ya soon!

    PS. I will be at the conference on Thurs and Fri. I will call you when I get down there. I'm also bringing a friend along who will be home schooling for the first time the Fall.

  3. Way to go for your husband!!! Are you going to post the story or just leave us hanging? ;)

    I.Don't.Laundry. O.K., I guess I do; but reluctantly - for the greater good of the family. But I trying to actively train the kids to do their own as it is the task I despise the most. Perhaps it would help if my laundry room wasn't the only unfinished part of our basement...

    We are supposed to be leaving town the day of your recital...if that ends up changing I will try to make it though. I'd really love to see it.

    I had to chuckle a little when I read your comment to my post earlier - I hadn't even realized the possible symbolism of the fruit being on the plate! ;) (It is literally just what we ended up using it for; but I love it now that you mentioned it!)

    Sounds like you will be going to the H.S. Convention - have a great time!


Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...