Sunday, June 7, 2009


All things are hectic in May. Things are ending in schools, semesters are ending, parties are happening, and everyone just seems to be caught up in the hectic-ness! I know that it is a made up word, but that describes everything going on at once.

We are so guilty of it at my house. My husband is in school taking a nutrition course (we have gone organic, and are eating healthier all around) -- six weeks is a short time to cover all this info. about the science of nutrition. It isn't just about the food pyramid. So he is very hectic doing all that he does plus studying. My daughters and I dance. We are all in the end-of-year recital. We are all running around for photos, fittings, and extra rehearsals. My son has speech in the public school, which is ending for the school year. He has end-of-the-year events, as well. My point is, we are all hectic! I like to be hectic, actually. It is fun to always have something to do, and something to go to. I'm not sure, though, that it is best for everyone else. I've noticed some crabiness, and outright meltdowns lately, so I'm thinking that slowing down is going to mandatory.

The trick is balance. I know we all cognitively know this word. Balance is important for everything in life. We need to balance work and play, sleep and awake, running and walking. It's tough stuff! The people who seem to be good at it, though, seem the most peaceful. Peace is always something I want. It is always something I need. I will pray for balance - for me, my family and friends. I'm sure that will help me attain some!

Other news: A (my friend, A) still has a house contract, and they are shopping for a rental in (cool Twilight- land) Seattle. I know they appreciate all the prayers for them. My son is doing well with the gluten free/ peanut free/ chocolate free diet. We did cheat a little tonight because it was Communion Sunday and the meltdown that was starting over not being able to participate was looking bad. So, he was a little nutty, tonight. He even admitted to feeling a little crazy. We love to take communion together, though, so a little craziness will have to do. I appreciate all the prayers about this challenge! Also, countdown to recital is happening! We love to dance. My girls and I LOVE ballet. It is so fun, and invigorating, and peaceful. I really enjoy it! Recital, though, is a little crazy... in a fun (not peaceful) way. I just pray it all goes well.
Thank you!!!


  1. My hectec-ness is finally coming to a close. I am looking forward to being able to stay home ALL DAY some days if we choose (although we may have to walk to the pool too.)

    It is so awesome that you & your girls dance! Have I already missed your recital? I'd love to see you dance!

    May peace and balance flood your household today!

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Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...