Saturday, April 8, 2017


Surprisingly, Lent is coming to a close. I can't believe how fast this time went by! One day, maybe, I'll stop being surprised at how fast the years are going by- we are but a vapor in the wind.

I struggled with this season because I didn't know what to give up, or what to do, or how to help. Fasting is a new spiritual discipline for me, and I'm not so good at it. I need to try harder, and invite Christ in more. That is the key, I know, to let Christ in more. To stop trying to do things on my own. the true beauty of faith in Christ is the surrender.

We are a beautiful mess. Praise God for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and the Sacrifice of Christ. Surrender to Him. Invite Him in. It's so true that His burden is light, and He is Light, and we just need to rest a bit.

During this upcoming Holy Week, rest in the comfort of His arms, His Spirit, His love. Focus on Him. It's not easy to be in this world alone, and we are not meant to carry our burdens alone. His plans for us are to prosper us. To not harm us. To give us a hope and a future.

Pray on!

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