Wednesday, May 27, 2009

beautiful evening...

I finally figured out my mountain pictures! It's getting easier! One of the missions of this blogging is to become more familiar with the computer.

DEER!! I love to see deer on the side of the road (alive and well)

The Valley

Ok, so I didn't take this picture! It's a good one though from Degas... I teach ballet to four and five year old girls. I love it. I'm not a rock-star at it or anything like that, I just love to dance; and love-love-love ballet! Today was one of the girl's last class. She is moving back to Denmark with her parents, who were only here for one year. This child is so sweet, and brave. She didn't speak English yet, being only four when she started the class, and she was in a new country, a new environment, in an English speaking class that speaks (what I call) "Ballet French". Imagine how scary that can be?! She is still quiet, but understands (quite well) Ballet French, and English. I really adore this little girl. She gave me flowers to thank me for teaching her this year. They were my first "teacher" flowers. I'm so touched!!! I even cried. Praise God for these little opportunities I have to touch other people's lives.

On other updates: A has a NEW contract on her house! Yea!!! T is still kind of loopy/crazy, but doing well. He is STILL awake-- and it's late. The girls and I had crazy night (four hours at the studio taking and teaching dance and yoga).

It is the end of another crazy day. It started out so dreary, and then the sun came out! It turned gorgeous... My daughter, D, commented that "It's nice to see the moon out. It's been a while." I am feeling led that ministry for God is what I am supposed to do in EVERYTHING I do. I know that is what Jesus did: lived his life for us. I am not comparing myself to Him, I am merely thinking that I, myself, can do better than I do, sometimes. Sometimes, I feel I'm doing the best I can do with what I have. BUT... in everything... do your best for the Lord...( I know the verse, but can't tell you where to look for it other than in the Bible. It might be Jeremiah--I like him)... Do I? Do you? Do your best, I mean? Has it been a while since you've talked to the Lord? The moon out, and it's been a while, made me contemplate this. I'd love to draw a very elegant parallel, but I can't. I just know that when it has been a while since I've been to church, or I haven't looked in my Bible, I miss Him. I know He misses me, too.

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Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...