Sunday, September 11, 2011

177 down...

OK... I know I can be a bit dramatic at times.  I know that I have an annoying habit of thinking the worst just so I can prepare myself for the worst.  I even know that I can be anxious for no good reason...

But... I had EVERY reason to be nervous, anxious, thinking the worst... etc...

So... imagine my pleasant (read:still nervous but happy) surprise when the worst didn't happen, and my fears were overactive, and the anxiety just wasn't helpful (it never is, by the way, helpful).

The kids loved school!  Public school!  It went very well, and wasn't even bad.  Ok, ok... the (short) bus didn't come Tuesday or Wednesday morning (rain, flooding, contemplating ark building), but it was OK.  The IEP got signed Tuesday afternoon.  Katie loved her teacher (and being in class with Morgan and Abbey).  Danielle-  well, no doubt, Danielle was just ecstatic to be back in school (one dramatic storm out due to wardrobe/breakfast issues).

Praying for peace, clarity, peace, wisdom, peace, grace, did I mention peace?  Did I mention clarity?

And Praise!!! Praise to God whose timing is perfect and who has a plan for all of us!!!!

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