Friday, September 30, 2011

Faith Filled Friday

So... Friday is a day that I get to go to a faith share discipleship class with one of my besties, truly the big sis God bestowed on me as I became a new mother.  It is super cool, and interesting, and I think it's going to help me grow spiritually, and as a mother, and as a friend, and as a wife... and as, well, me.  It is going to be a little bit about me on Friday mornings. And that is just good.

So, I always talk about this running dialogue with God, and how it is back round noise, like a fan, comfortable and distracting.  Some brave lady suggested that I need to be quiet maybe, to just listen.  To be mindful of just listening, in fact, instead of praying, or talking, rather, because in listening, I'm still praying.  And, just how awesome is that? I like it!

School week number four is coming to a close.  Everyone is pretty busy, and on task, and studying and items like that.  I think it is safe to say that it's been a smooth transition (knock on wood).  I think it is going to be a very liberating year for everyone.  It's good.  The change is still hard... but it's good.  Optimism is nice, isn't it?

There is a lot of estrogen in my house right now, as both girls are enjoying a sleep over.  They are watching a spy movie, and playing with Pollys, Lalaloopsies, and beanie babies.  Tommy is trying very hard not to go out of his mind, and I'm typing, while Mark has retreated to the bedroom.  Popcorn is scattered everywhere like an explosive popcorn device went off- nothing dainty about girls eating Mark's famous popcorn.  I guess that is what vacuums are for.

So, that's it for now.  It's bed time.

I'm sleepy- which is nice.
Bonne Nuit!

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