Saturday, July 30, 2011

re organizing

It's been a week of re-organizing, switching things around, setting up bedrooms. I'm nesting... not in a pregnant type of way, mind you (I'm pretty sure that chapter has been closed), but in a big-changes type of way. Public school. Possibly a new job. New schedules. Ceiling paint... you know, it's big stuff!

Change out in the world always inspires change in the home, for me, anyway. It makes me want to be more organized, so at a moment's meltdown, I'll be prepared. Theoretically. Plus, now I know what kinds of clothes the kids need on tax-free shopping weekend, which is next weekend!

(ahh...if only it WERE real simple...)

The clincher in all this change, though, is to remember that while the world is changing, God remains the same. I know my need for re-organizing is from my need to be in control... and I'm so not... it's a hard concept, and always a tough lesson for me. God is God, and I am not should really be my mantra, my prayer, my meditation. Who cares if I can find the staples next week (besides me and whomever is having a meltdown about staples...) -I'll tell you: surprise, it's no one! The way I handle it though, will be based on a perspective that defines, "who is really in control, here?"

It's almost funny, really, because it should let us (women, mothers, control freaks) off the hook. Almost funny, because, really... do I feel let off the hook? No? Maybe? Not really?


My children are hopelessly bored today because they have endured a week mostly at home. I think we will have to go to the pool,or something. I'm trying to foster some independence in them, really, but I guess they all still need some distraction, and direction, and, thankfully, mommy-time:)

Prayers for all my friends who are travelling this week... some for not even fun reasons. Prayers for all the birthdays and families that are celebrating life and vacations. Prayers for my brother and his family (moving!!!).

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