Thursday, July 7, 2011

today's report

The plan of the day was to go to the library, go to Target, then go to the pool...

Two out of three isn't bad, right?

Katie was up at 2:00 AM, and never really went back to sleep, so she wanted and needed a nap.  Tom-Tom just wanted to read a few of those 32 books he checked out (OK... exaggerating... 22 books)... the pool just wasn't a happenin' thing today.

I re-instituted morning devotions today.  I was thinking that God should start all of our days, and lately we haven't been doing that, so we started back up today to remind each other that we need to be nice and considerate to one another.  How hard is that, really, right?  Apparently, in our family, it is hard (especially at the end of the day).  Reminders are nice.

Wouldn't the world just be a little more peaceful if we remembered to just play nice?  Which includes not sitting on your sister, or biting your brother in the shoulder, and remembering that we don't have to scream to be understood in this house- none of us has a hearing impairment (sensory/auditory processing issues: yes, ability to hear: normal).

So, I pray for patience and wisdom to teach these children to JUST BE NICE.  Make the good choice!

See... we can all get along- these are from recital weekend, by the way!

Titus 3: Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.

1 comment:

  1. "Can't we all just get along?" I feel you on this one Kristen! :)


Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...