Friday, September 30, 2011

Faith Filled Friday

So... Friday is a day that I get to go to a faith share discipleship class with one of my besties, truly the big sis God bestowed on me as I became a new mother.  It is super cool, and interesting, and I think it's going to help me grow spiritually, and as a mother, and as a friend, and as a wife... and as, well, me.  It is going to be a little bit about me on Friday mornings. And that is just good.

So, I always talk about this running dialogue with God, and how it is back round noise, like a fan, comfortable and distracting.  Some brave lady suggested that I need to be quiet maybe, to just listen.  To be mindful of just listening, in fact, instead of praying, or talking, rather, because in listening, I'm still praying.  And, just how awesome is that? I like it!

School week number four is coming to a close.  Everyone is pretty busy, and on task, and studying and items like that.  I think it is safe to say that it's been a smooth transition (knock on wood).  I think it is going to be a very liberating year for everyone.  It's good.  The change is still hard... but it's good.  Optimism is nice, isn't it?

There is a lot of estrogen in my house right now, as both girls are enjoying a sleep over.  They are watching a spy movie, and playing with Pollys, Lalaloopsies, and beanie babies.  Tommy is trying very hard not to go out of his mind, and I'm typing, while Mark has retreated to the bedroom.  Popcorn is scattered everywhere like an explosive popcorn device went off- nothing dainty about girls eating Mark's famous popcorn.  I guess that is what vacuums are for.

So, that's it for now.  It's bed time.

I'm sleepy- which is nice.
Bonne Nuit!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

to sleep... or not...

I think the idea of a sleep study is good.  However, attaching a bunch of wires to your face, neck, head and chest and leg, almost forgot that one, makes it hard to sleep.  Every time you move attached to said wires, you're afraid you are about to come unattached, and it takes longer to fall back asleep.  So... idea= good... practicality= not so good.  Plus, now I have tape burns across my cheeks and throat, and glue globs stuck in my hair.  hmmm.....  and THEN they make sure you're awake at a quarter till five to get you out the door so they can leave as well.

I'm tired.  And I look like a cross between a zombie and a terminator... minus the guns and huge muscles, of course (I'm a ballerina/yoga person, not a weight lifter).

So- hopefully I really will sleep well tonight, and, in the words of my son, "I hope you passed your sleep test, Mom."

Me, too.

In other news, my beautiful yoga ladies were all so patient with me yesterday and today.  The kids are still doing well (except my I-don't-have-any-homework dude will now be reading every night so he doesn't fail any more biology tests).  Dance is full speed ahead-  which is great, because it keeps us all out of trouble.  I'd love to go to the Washington Ballet, because they are doing the Great Gatsby (fabulous book).  And... well... if I go on I think I'll sound kind of ADHD which, thankfully, is NOT one of my diagnosis'.  So I'll just stop with the random thoughts, there, OK?

See? I told you I was tired:)

Monday, September 26, 2011

keep calm and carry on

It seems like the past few weeks I've been just swamped.  I guess I have, even quite literally (it is raining here so much, I feel like we should just re-name the town Forks, Virginia).  We are now the proud people of Forks, Virginia... we have hurricanes and floods, and now we can even boast that we have landslides and earthquakes.  It is actually slightly humorous. Who knew?  We have all the natural disasters here... except tsunamis... I guess we don't have to worry about those... I'm OK with that.

But, anyway... I have been busy getting back into a routine and taking care of all those annual doctors appointments and exams.  Everything seems to be stable here, on that front.

 I've been quite anxious, though.  New things are hard.  I think that's, like, the theme of my blog, really.  Change.  Change is inevitable.  Change is hard.  Change is even good.  Sometimes I like change, and embrace it.  Sometimes I hate change... and embrace it anyway, because that is just what I have to do.  I can't always fight it, and it's no good, really, to always stay the same.

Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

That is our reminder for the day... as easy as it may be to forget that God is ALWAYS with us, we may be comforted that he will NEVER leave us.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

well, it's just an update

I've finished up my training for my new job... yes, the one where I was sure they weren't going to call me back because I couldn't articulate my goals... so, I'm official to work, now, which is great! Very, very great!

It's always nice to have something going your way, you know.

School is still spot on- terrific.  I'm so pleasantly surprised that everything seems to be gel-ing and going well.  Aside from some organizational issues, and a week of asthma exacerbations, and one tornado-looking-sky freak out, I have to say, maybe we should have done this earlier.  It was hard to have an open mind about returning two of them to the public school arena... But, really, I don't think I had to be as nervous as I was.

Katie is my little fashionista, and is starting her new style blog, aptly named Katie's style blog.  It's to encourage typing, writing and reading.  Tommy has no homework. Ever. So far, anyway.  I''m not sure this is normal.  I had him reading and writing all the time!  And Danielle, of course, is doing fantastic.  She loves being a middle-schooler.  She does have homework, every night.  And, on top of her crazy dance schedule, she is really tired, but happy.

All-in-all, I guess it's time to spend some energy on me and get myself put back together (not that I'm apart in pieces or anything like that).  It's time to focus my prayers and talents.  It's time to return to crafting.  It is even time to paint the ceiling.  I'll let you know how that one turns out...

So many prayers coming and going... for friends, and friends of friends affected by natural disasters (land slides, earthquakes, flooding, hurricanes- and this is just VA..), marriages that are just so stressed, travels, new homes, illness, typhoons, schooling, good friends, families, the faithful, our military, our survivors, our heroes.  I know, my list overwhelms me, too...

Sunday, September 11, 2011


History is perishable.
Don't forget to remember.

(image from google image site

177 down...

OK... I know I can be a bit dramatic at times.  I know that I have an annoying habit of thinking the worst just so I can prepare myself for the worst.  I even know that I can be anxious for no good reason...

But... I had EVERY reason to be nervous, anxious, thinking the worst... etc...

So... imagine my pleasant (read:still nervous but happy) surprise when the worst didn't happen, and my fears were overactive, and the anxiety just wasn't helpful (it never is, by the way, helpful).

The kids loved school!  Public school!  It went very well, and wasn't even bad.  Ok, ok... the (short) bus didn't come Tuesday or Wednesday morning (rain, flooding, contemplating ark building), but it was OK.  The IEP got signed Tuesday afternoon.  Katie loved her teacher (and being in class with Morgan and Abbey).  Danielle-  well, no doubt, Danielle was just ecstatic to be back in school (one dramatic storm out due to wardrobe/breakfast issues).

Praying for peace, clarity, peace, wisdom, peace, grace, did I mention peace?  Did I mention clarity?

And Praise!!! Praise to God whose timing is perfect and who has a plan for all of us!!!!

Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...