Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bike DC

The view from the Lincoln Memorial

The kids and I rode bikes around Downtown DC on Monday.  The weather was beautiful, and our home school support network hosted this field trip as an opportunity to sight-see and enjoy each other's company.  I have to admit that I was a little (OK, a lot) nervous.  Our neighborhood is very hilly so we tend to not ride our bikes so much, but we did it!  The only complaining happened toward the end of our excursion (our hind-quarters are so sore -- all of us were complaining about the uncomfortable bike seats), and in the car (stop kicking my seat!) on the way home.

Mr. Lincoln

The White House
(you can't see the snipers on the roof, though)

looking up!

We saw National landmarks, but the kids will remember the Park Police horses!

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