Monday, June 21, 2010


Holy moley, it's hot!  Humid and hot and crazy and hazy!

The only comfortable place is in the pool. 

We are kind of just jellin' into the neighborhood scene at the pool. 

The newer alpha moms in the neighborhood have no idea that I have helped at the elementary school for so long, so I must appear as if I've just moved in.   They see me at the pool and think I'm new to my neighborhood: "Hmmm no, " I respond, "we've lived here since 1999."  The next exchange has been rather predicted, " well who were your child(ren's) teachers?"
"OH... that would be me.  (heehee) I homeschool them."

A long pause appears here as Tommy starts to escalate... and flap...  as he has been mentioning a topic indicating that the 5th century AD was probably when King Arthur lived, and the swords were crafted well during that time period.  Katie begins to shriek about how hot it is can we please just get in the pool (now), and Danielle is gently trying to placate everyone..." Yes, 5th century, yes dresses were pretty, too, Katie.  Mom, just sign us in, I'll stay with  Tom and Kate. Ok.... No need to start fighting children, just bring your goggles forth for our fair mother to fix them"..  quiet stares, blinking eyes...
"Well, I could never do that!  How do you socialize them?" 


Actually in the car, at church, with the neighbors (and in a sporting goods store, perhaps).  Oh, and I torture them with reading. Can you guess Tommy's favorite time period?  They meet friends that they get to choose... with similar faith systems or have parents with similar parenting styles to my own.  It actually works out very well.

My friend from Texas taught me some important life lessons this weekend: 1st, I need to paint my ceilings.  2nd, judge me or don't judge me, but back off while I try to make some good decisions in the mean time!

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