Thursday, June 3, 2010


I know I need to write, I love to write, I miss writing... I've got great excuses, though. 

My friend's mother went to Heaven last week, and I'm sure she is going to join her husband and get to be a saint.  If anyone deserves to be a saint, it would be both Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien.  It's been an emotional two years for their family; and by God's grace and their faith in Jesus Christ, they all seem to be in a peaceful (although sad at the moment) place.  We attended both the wake on Tuesday and the funeral yesterday.  I pray for peace for everyone who is mourning the loss of such awesome people; and for the family for having the patience and love to continue living their lives and raising their families.

So... with Memorial Day weekend (visiting with family in the mountains), and the work of grieving with a friend, it's been tough to sit down and write.  I will though, after the loads of laundry are done, and the craziness of recital week (next weekend - yikes!) is over.

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