Saturday, July 21, 2012

bleh... but happy, too

It is bleh... at least here in VA... rain for several days and it feels like a sauna.  It could be worse, I know, but it could also be so much better- like Hawaii or something.  It's ok, though... for real.

I am on my knees, my friends.  I have so many prayers and prayer requests.  Things seem to be getting worse in our country instead of better, and now movie theaters aren't safe.  I pray for compassion and healing for the families in Colorado.  It just makes me so sad that someone could do something so awful (and there were probably warning signs, and obviously mental health issues were not addressed early enough).  There is just so. much. pain.

I lift prayers for all those affected...

Psalms 71:20-21 You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again; from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again. You will increase my greatness and comfort me again.

I got to visit my brother and his family this last week which was so cool.  I love Winston-Salem! I love their new house.  I love them!!!! It was a fun break to get to hang out for a few days with my neice and nephew, and my beautiful sister-in-law, and very cool bro!

Back to praying...

My son is in need of prayers (too).  My guy is just not happy.  He has regressed this summer and I feel like I'm dealing with a five year old in a fifteen year old body.  While always being particular, the OCD stuff seems worse and the impulsive stuff is crazy bad right now.  Ever hear of PANDAS?  Not the animal, but the strep induced autism?  Some people don't think it exists, but Tom-Tom is one of those kids that has it.  I think we will be going for a strep titer on Monday... which is a whole other challenge... (think about the poor phlebotomists...)

 but wait, there is more...

My Katie-Cat has decided that sleeping is un-necessary.  She gets up at, like, one in the morning.  She is fine with it... Her mother, not so much.  It's not that she gets me up at one, but she does have all the attitude of a non-sleeper the next day.  That is just not so fun.  At this very moment though (2041 PM) I hear the super-sucker of a thumb-sucker falling asleep.  It is pretty impressive.  Thank-you, melatonin.

other news...

Danielle seems good... a little too addicted to the i-touch, but good. She is a bit moody... but it is tween-age related, I'm sure.  She can't wait to home-school again.  I'm thinking she is just going to take off like a rock star.  She puts a lot of pressure on herself, though, so hopefully she won't be too hard on herself. (Also, she doesn't believe she has any sort of issues with her i-touch- she just informed me.)


I finally painted my ceilings today (ok, pause and breathe, I know I didn't tell y'all to sit down or anything first)!!!  Well, two of them:  the dining room and kitchen...  and I am never, ever, not unless I'm getting paid (very well) ever going to do it again.  I for-see a painter being hired in my future.  I'm typing now, because I think tomorrow I may not be mobile.  Helloooooo advil, naproxen, tylenol, asprin, flexoril... you get the idea.  The white is very nice, though.  I like it better than this crazy beige-ish, awful that has been up there forever...  I blame pinterest, though, making me feel all empowered and all...

The craziness of the house here is only getting crazier (in a busy way- not an insane-call-the-doctors-way)... but God is good, I know!!  Prayer is so important.  Faith is so important.  I can't do it alone, friends, I don't even pretend to think I can...  I rely on my friends (definitely) and my family (fo' sho')...  but I rely on MY GOD the most! 

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me... Philippians 4:13

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