Wednesday, December 28, 2011

it's almost here...

can you believe it?

The end of 2011 is this week... I can't ever believe it when we have Christmas and the New Year holiday week- I can't believe how quickly the year flew by.

It has been a good year.  A good year with a difficult ending, for sure, but God is ever good and faithful.  He continues to work miracles in my sight and in the lives of people I love.

This year I have experienced so many ups and downs.  I struggle, still, to make the right changes and the right decisions for myself and my children. God's timing is always right, though, I must admit that the timing of many events seems peculiar to my human self.  I know that everything has purpose, though.  Including everything that is happening now.

I found out after the Thanksgiving Holiday that I had been mislead by people I trusted.  I've lost a friendship, and we left the dance studio we loved to dance at... 

And, for now, I am separated from my husband.  We remain friends, and in fact, he still lives at our house, but in the basement.

It is a difficult and confusing time on so many levels.  Again, though, God is at work here.  Every day! Change is a hard thing... I know I keep saying it...   Faith is an interesting thing, though...  I am OK.

It hasn't been all doom and gloom around here, though!  We have returned to school from home school.  Danielle was Clara in the Nutcracker.  Katie is so close to an ariel, and in fact, has done one with just her fingertips grazing the floor. Tommy is in high school! I have one in high school, one in middle, and one in elementary.  The kids have fantastic teachers.  The girls and I got to go to NYC to see Taylor Swift (WOW).  We had a family reunion in Minnesota, and the girls and I got to visit our Pacific Northwest besties, and fall in love with Bainbridge Island.  Tommy got to visit his beloved Amish community: Shipshewannna.  All-in-all: a good year!

At MSG for Taylor!

See that speck? That's her!!!

discussing methods of entry on Christmas Eve

festive girl!

trick-or-treat! Night, Ninja, and a Fairy...

Fairfax County supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Danielle sees that she is Clara!

Tom forever bonding with not-food cows

A revolutionary look for a revoloutionary boy!

Katie hi-jacked Tom's bed, so he took the floor- such a gentleman

Presenting Germany at Nina's work: Katie is in the dress I wore when I was 12, and Danielle is in Eileen's dress!

After last year's recital

exploring Bainbridge!

1 comment:

  1. It has been a year of great change! I am grateful to have you in my life! :)


Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...