Sunday, November 13, 2011


Our Lady at the Basilica in Washington, DC
Well, I'm scheduled to work every other weekend.  It's fine, it's even a blessing, but I didn't realize that three days in a row in a chair tied to the computer were going to be so hard on my hips.  They hurt!!! From sitting!!!  I am officially on standby right now, so I've been up moving about the house, you know, because, after 9 hours of me working and the kids being in charge last night, the house was pretty much trashed... in complete dis-array... every dish we owned, I think, was in the sink... so I was vacuuming (of course- wouldn't you?), and bathing Katie (need I say more?), and getting the older two to start their homework (a true procrastinator family), and then I sat back down to type and my hips were like, "seriously? You're doing this to us again?"... guess I'll be talking to the chiropractor about that.  I can't really stand and type unless I get a new desk for giants, or something... phew!

So, it's Sunday and the Schroeders will be at church SOMEWHERE tonight.  I'm thinking we'll go to mass at St. Francis, but we have the Nutcracker rehearsal as well, so we might not make it; in which case we will be at Ebenezer.  Both churches are fabulous.  I know God is probably thinking: just SHOW UP!!! Attendance is important:) 

I was raised Protestant, Lutheran, in fact.  I believe in my faith, and I believe that Luther had only good intentions... however, as I get older and contemplative (did you think I would say grouchy?) in my old (yes, old, my hips hurt now, I sound like a little old lady) age, I find myself being pulled to The Catholic Faith.  Yup, pulled, as in strange -and -wonderful -very -meaningful -coincidental ways, pulled to the first faith of the Christian church.  It is truly amazing, and truly truthful... which is also amazing.  Praise God for the freedom of choice, and the many wonderful ways to connect with Him! Praise God for the beauty He offers in His word and in truth.

Still, I haven't been called back in to work, yet, today, and I only have a half an hour left of my shift.  I think I can exhale and pop into some major down-dog yoga poses, and do some hip openers so I can debrief my hips (come on.... it's only two weekends a month!)... we'll see...

Prayer time!  I have heard of some very ill little children that need prayers.  Also people are traveling and such, so they always get some prayers for safety... My heart goes out to people who are battling depression this time of year.  It's a hard time of year for lots of people.  And, of course,prayers for anyone married and struggling with THAT... c'mon... it's tough stuff, people! 

See?  I'm thankful for so many things, yet struggle with a lot of things, too. 

That is what is so cool about prayer, though:  it's a wish your heart makes wrapped up in love and hope and you get to share it with people you don't even know.

window and organ at The Basilica in Washington, DC
Pretty cool.

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