Thursday, November 3, 2011

latest headlines

Halloween: Yep, it was fun.  The kids dressed up and I did a little eye makeup.  We had a potluck in my neighbor's driveway prior to trick-or-treating, which was super nice (and an easy dinner- we know how I'm a fan of that!).  I let the kids do our little circle sans moi... and everyone did OK! I guess we're all growing up a tad bit!

Rehearsals:  Yep, going well.  I must remind myself that the craziness is self induced... and it''s OK, and even a bit fun.  It definitely keeps us close to home this time of year, though.

School: Yep, keepin' on.   I can't complain too much.  Everyone seems to be on their A-game, and aside from a few kicks in the rear (still... Tommy....), it's OK.

Kids:  Yep, still alive.  No felonies have occurred here.  Just kidding... well, for the most part.  Tommy is, well, fourteen.  Danielle is ten going on fourteen, and Katie likes to think she is fourteen.  Parenting is not for the faint hearted. Nope, not even close.

Work: yep, still employed, and I even enjoy the work!  Some of the shifts are a little long, but it's fine, because, I like it.

Books and other stuff:  YEP!! Reading is cool- totally an escape for me.  I just finished the Shiver series.  Very good, if you like Twilight (swoon) you'll like this series.

Prayer:  Yep... it works... keep it up, people!  We can all use a little help from our friends:)  I pray for all the families out there trying to stay a family... it's tough stuff!  It's even super hard.

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Oh, January

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