Saturday, October 22, 2011


Another week...

We are definitely in full force Fall, here.  It seems the structure of routine is doing us all some good.  It's nice, really, to know what to expect when things outside of our control tend to make some of us anxious.  Routine and structure can provide us with that framework we need.  It's nice... really...

Mark is running the tougher mudder race this weekend.  It's an endurance/obstacle race in the mud, on a mountain, with "challenges"- which includes and electrical barbed wire fence... Mark:  "yeah!!! It'll be AWESOME!"  um. ok. Please be careful.  Anyway- he is totally excited about it.

Tommy is doing well- he has needed a few kicks to the hiney and a few threats to demonstrate how serious we are about grades and school work.  I think he understands... but we are talking about a teenager, here, and a teenager with autism... it gets kind of dicey at times trying to figure out what is disability and what is defiance.  The tantrums are definitely not helpful, but also, a clear cut view of disability... unless someone knows of any fourteen year olds that throw themselves on the floor and kick and scream like two year olds... yeah, it's impressive...

Danielle is doing great (anyone surprised?).  She is working so hard, though, and is taking on a lot of responsibility.  She really is trying to be good at everything.  She is tired, though, and ten.  She definitely needs more downtime, as evidenced by crying over a plug issue with the laptop last night... I'm not sure I was helpful: "What's wrong?" her: "the plug was stuck!"  -she is holding the laptop with the plug, nothing is broken, no one was electrocuted- me: "umm... so you're cryiing?"  her: "blaaahhhhh- YES!! YES, I AM!!!!"

ok. hugs. calm down. breathe in and out. we'll get through this together... which we did.

So... on to Katie!  She is good, too.  The eight tornadoes that were spotted in and around Stafford last week were not helpful.  The wind that picked up following the warm front... not helpful.  The Tornado! headline on Thursday's paper... yep, not helpful.  And she is seeing ghosts again.  Yes, plural, so not just one.  Helpful? ---- you can probably guess: not helpful.  Even though I tell her to tell them to just go away, they can't hurt her, etc.... Other than all that- she is doing well in school.  She is having fun with friends.  She screams at her family (this is actually normal for her)... it's all good... therapy helps with the other stuff...


ME!!! I got to (swoon, sigh, smile) SEE DURAN-DURAN last Sunday... and it was awesome!!!  I never got to see them in the eighties, but that is ok, because they have still got it!  Yes... I mean, really!!  It was a very fun night!!!

I also continue to go through all my regular stuff.  You know, the stuff, right?  It's hard to be me (not whining at all- and I know it could be so much worse- there really is just a lot of stuff going on!). 

Plus, we are just all so busy, working hard to make things good.

I'm walking a lot, and I teach 3 yoga classes this year, with actual students in my classes... yes, plural... not just one student! Several!!  That is good, but of course, it makes me feel a bit nervous because I want the classes to be great!  School is good for the kids and all, but I want to be busy making things even better.  I've had a ton of doctor appointments and stuff (again) going on with me- and everything is fine, but also kind of vague, and that's kind of wierd.  Especially, as a nurse, I know what they are looking for, and what they are not finding, and what that makes them think (I'll give you a hint: nutcase... )... ANYWAY... It really could be a lot worse...

So that leads me to being SO thankful for all that I do have, and all that I get to experience.  There is a song I heard recently that goes like this: "You light, light, light up the sky to show me You are with me..."  It's beautiful.  And it's true.  And I believe it.  And it's important.  No matter our trials, HE loves us...

Hebrews 1:1-3 "Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things.... He is the reflection of god's glory and the exact imprint of God's very being."

To me, this speaks to me in a way that makes me think of all the people who say "well, what kind of a God would allow suffering, and war, etc.."  and I say, well, What kind of a God would send us a baby... HIS SON... to show us how much he loves us?... In everything, in His time, He makes everything good... Good comes out of suffering... Sometimes we can't see it, and sometimes we won't see it in our lifetime, but suffering comes with a greater purpose, and that greater purpose is GOOD!

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Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...