Wednesday, February 23, 2011

love... true love...

I love the movie The Princess Bride (in fact, it has been a while, I think I need to put the movie in and watch it again)!  The characters are awesome, the story line is engaging and funny, the ending is perfect.  There is romance, sword fighting, magic and mystery.  The whole message of the movie is that true love always wins!

An uplifting message, for sure.  The thing about that is that a lot of people mistake romantic love for true love and the movie, in fact, portrays romantic love for true love in many ways.  Now, don't get me wrong:  I love a good romance, and love stories are definitely my favorite.  As I get older, though, I can recognize that true love isn't necessarily romantic love.  It's fierce, it's loyal, it's enduring.  True love is something you do; it's a choice you make.  While the romantic part may be fleeting, the true part remains.

I think that in Christ we have hope that true love here on earth as humans is possible, and that with God nothing is impossible.  I am humbled frequently by the grace and mercy of our God in everyday life, in everyday struggles.  I definitely realize that without Him, I can't do it.  Life situations, sometimes, are just to hard to bear by myself.  With faith, though, I am able to fight the good fight... for myself... for my children... even for my husband.

"I am the vine; you are the branches," said Jesus. "If a man abides in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

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