Saturday, February 20, 2010

too busy

It has been busy here this past week! Due to snowmaggedon, a lot of appointments were re-scheduled for this week. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were spent driving around from occupational therapy, to labs, to psychiatry, to psychology, to radiology, to allergy shots, to dentists and to dance... whew! I'm tired just writing it all out. The thing is, though, that these are things that need to be done. They just happened to all fall together! I was lamenting to my husband this week that we should just move; that the pace of life is just too hectic here in NoVa. In a moment of pure brilliance he said something very philosophical to me... He said, "It isn't where we live. If we move to another place, these things will still be there. They don't schedule themselves on the calendar... We do. We are the ones writing things that need to be done on the calendar. We are the ones scheduling dance, and therapy, and play dates."


So, of course, as I look at this monstrosity of a calendar that I've created, I find myself struggling with just what NEEDS to be done, and just what is there because I think it needs to be there. The doctors, dentists and therapists, obviously, are important. They can't go. We home school, so don't the kids need socialization? (yes) The girls love dance, can I really consider stopping it? (probably not) Do I need to schedule things all the time? (most definitely, not)

So, how did this happen? How did we get so busy?!

I think in an effort to do the best job possible for the children, and to try and be "balanced" between homeschooling and socializing (for all of us, me included) we've overbooked. Even my husband is going non stop between his school work, his fire-fighter/ paramedic work and flight-medic work. He doesn't even have time to just play, really. He loves his work (well, most of it, anyway), but we are hardly home together.

Anyway... stuff to work on, stuff to make better. There is always room for improvement, isn't there? I pray for wisdom and patience. Especially during this season of Lent, we should pray and ask for guidance from our Lord. Doing something for God, and time spent in intimate conversation with Him are vital components for faith this season. I know that the more we fill our lives with Him, his Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, the less things we will need to fill our time and our lives with.

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