Friday, November 27, 2009

The PoohBearious

I love the husband.... I will always and forever be cognizant of this
man's entire presence in my life. It hasn't been an easy marriage, but things
worthwhile (our relationship, our commitment) usually never are (easy, that is).

There have been ups and downs (I know that sounds like a cliche); there has been hurt and joy. We are not unloved, though. We have been blessed beyond imagination. While we both have experienced difficult personal conflicts, the support we receive from one another has sustained us through our less-than-perfect moments. We have balance that way, I think. And I know God is orchestrating movements in our universe that are beyond our comprehension.

Ours is a high energy, stressful life-style. 24 hour shifts, school, and family activities contribute to a very busy, fairly scheduled existence. Because of promotions, family pressures, and career commitments we have to make choices that aren't always pleasant (but they aren't always UNpleasant, either). We have many, many challenges to navigate in regards to raising our children (they are just all so different!). We have lots of stuff to decide day, after day, after day...(it really never stops!).

We have had some romance, and a lot of passion, too. If anything, we are passionate- not always on the same page, but always passionate.

Mark is incredibly driven, and always very motivated. He throws himself into his projects with amazing effort and focus... Which is interesting... We don't always see eye to eye on which projects should get priority. But Mark always gets the job done. Failure is not an option!

I'm writing this because I miss him. I'm with my sweet, wise G-ma, taking advantage of the limited time I have left with her on planet Earth, and he is working so very hard so I can do these things, like visiting with her, and exposing our children to her amazing love and wisdom. And I'm actually very thankful for him. Just as I need to remind myself (frequently) that God chose me as a mother for my children; I need to acknowledge that He chose me to be Mark's wife. It is an amazing privilege.

God says in Jeremiah, "I know the plans I have for you!"

I need to trust and have joy in His words... I may not understand the plans (or methods, or reasons)... But I know they exist in His glory.

Sweet G-Ma with her 7 great grandchildren!

The best part of thanksgiving is being thankful for all the blessings that God has blessed you with!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Is that real?!

(photo from fotosearch)

Oh my Goodness!!! The sun is shining!!! My eyes need to adjust!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon

(from Regal Cinema web site)

NEW MOON was sosooooo good. I had a totally fun time staying out late! It was very, very fun to just sit and watch Twilight on the big movie screen, have it fresh in my mind, and then to sit and watch New Moon. I really, really (REALLY) think the actors did a great job! And even though movie popcorn has something like 60 grams of saturated fat, I enjoyed that, too! Extra butter, of course! It is fascinating to see how some fans are just sooo crazy (not me, for sure)! I did wear an Edward Cullen t-shirt. I did not dress up as Jane, though, or Alice, or Victoria for that matter. The team-Jacob crowd was pretty rowdy... but there were plenty of sighs for Edward, as well!

I am contemplating not participating in The Nutcracker performance next year, due to poor nutrition (we eat out too much because of crazy dance schedules), exposure to swine flu (I witnessed several children pressing their noses against the windows, doors and mirrors), and lack of general mental well being (probably related to toxin build-up from over application of hand sanitizer gel, and anti-bacterial wipes). We are officially insane until the 12th of December!

I have learned that children do not need blue gatorade. Blue gatorade will make them evil, and make them laugh uncontrollably for approximately 2.25 hours. Straight, I'm not even kidding. Even if blue gatorade is only a dollar and your child begs for it, I urge you to resist on grounds of preventing a felony. This is my public service announcement for the day!

Pray, please, for safe and happy Thanksgiving and travels. One of my best friends is travelling, one's mom is in the hospital (at press time) getting tests, and one is moving into a new house. I will be praying for health, speedy recoveries, good news, peaceful packing, and safe travels.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2 more days...

(from movie images site)

There are only two more days until the NEW MOON premiere! I can not wait to see this movie! I have not been to a movie on release night sine Terminator 2 came out in the 90's. So, yes, I am going to the 12:01 am showing. I am also going to see Twilight on the "big screen" which is showing at 9:00 pm. Am I a nut, or what?! I even have a t-shirt (team Edward, of course).

So, just a few quick updates:

The rain has stopped! For three days in a row, now, it has been sunny. The leaves are so wet, they are making my whole family itchy and slightly irritable (or is it just me?).

(Tommy with his groundhog... have I mentioned he LOVES groundhogs?!)

Tommy is learning integers. I can't believe I have to re-learn algebra, so I can (hopefully) teach it to him. I forgot all about exponents, and negative numbers, and FOIL. The crazy thing is, Danielle is only, like, 12 lessons behind him. I'm sure I'll forget it again before Katie gets to it, so I will have to re-learn it one more time!

Truth: I've never really read Junie B. Jones. I am reading it now to Katie, because I let the other two read her when they were reading independently. Katie isn't reading independently, but likes Junie B. I guess the kindergarten teacher read The Mushy, Gushy Valentine last year. I do not like Junie B. Jones. She is rude, a bit of a bully, and her grammar is terrible! The kids love her. Bummer. They all love her. I am so not a hip mom with this Junie B. Jones business!


Crazy insanity may be setting in with this family over the next few weeks. The Christmas tree is hopefully going up this weekend, since we will be visiting sweet, wise G-ma for Thanksgiving. When we return home there will only be 12 day left of rehearsals for the Nutcracker! So, that is just a way crazy schedule... I will be praying for health (please no swine flu or strep!), and patience. It's such a wonderful time of year (for real - not being facetious); it would be lovely to stay in good health! It would also be lovely to be peaceful!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

just a list!

(image from

Things I am loving this November:

The dance studio being closed for Veteran's Day (Thank you, military!), and having said Wednesday off from crazy studio-dance night!

Country music being played by the neighbor boy while he is raking leaves (too bad he isn't raking MY leaves).

Re-reading New Moon (the movie comes out on the 20th!)

Coffee with my neighbor while the kids jump on her trampoline.

My new i-phone (it is waaay cooool!).

warm days...

bright leaves...

Things I'm not loving so much:

Lots of rain and clouds!

Old, dead leaves piling up in my driveway, on my porch, across my lawn (and they are almost always wet from the rain, so hard to rake!).

Cold mornings (hello! Does anyone else have toes that are constantly frozen?!).

$900. calculation errors and lots (and lots) of worrying about Christmas presents... this happens to everyone, right?

Well... there is more good than bad!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Twilight Watermelon

I am soooooo excited about New Moon coming out (November 20th)... I am a huge Twilight fan! My dad gardened this cute little watermelon out of his garden, so we took a picture... Danielle and I love it that it reminds us of Twilight. She keeps asking if I've blogged about watermelon-twilight!

It was even edible! We all had a bit of the cute, pink fruit inside.

Well, it has been a good week (over all) here in Virginia. We still haven't had a full day of sunshine, but I think I'm coping OK. The time change is always a little hard to deal with at first, too. I know it is just an hour, but it gets dark so early, now! I'm ready for bed at 6:00!

We got to hang out with some of our best friends on election day. Eileen is the big sister I got to choose in my life, thanks to God. She has seen me through all sorts of drama! It was a great afternoon. The boys, though, got sooo dirty! And mine was the one who ended up soaking wet! I think he was literally rolling around in a mud puddle.

(Katie doesn't really wear pointe shoes, but she was pretending with mine.)

We've been very busy rehearsing for The Nutcracker. Our performance is at the beginning of December, so everyone is getting stressed out and nervous. I need to remember that it is all self-inflicted! Good times, good times...

Tommy has been researching the validity of jackalopes this week, and Danielle said she can't really play with her American Girl dolls, since they might be real, and might be looking at her while she sleeps (not, you,too, Danielle!)... and Katie is about to get a new home school curriculum because she just does NOT learn like Tommy and Danielle do. It's all good.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I can't believe it is November 1st! Danielle commented that this has been the fastest year of her life! I told her that they only get faster.

Tommy, the pirate!!

Katie, or Sharpay?

Danielle, or Dorthy?! Oh, and Toto of course!

We had a fun Halloween. It rained, but that only seemed to make my children more determined to go out. The temperature was nice, though, in the 70s. I think it may have been the warmest, and wettest Halloween we've ever had! Now we have soooo much candy! I think we will be hyper for a month!

Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...