Tuesday, November 10, 2009

just a list!

(image from freeautumnimages.com)

Things I am loving this November:

The dance studio being closed for Veteran's Day (Thank you, military!), and having said Wednesday off from crazy studio-dance night!

Country music being played by the neighbor boy while he is raking leaves (too bad he isn't raking MY leaves).

Re-reading New Moon (the movie comes out on the 20th!)

Coffee with my neighbor while the kids jump on her trampoline.

My new i-phone (it is waaay cooool!).

warm days...

bright leaves...

Things I'm not loving so much:

Lots of rain and clouds!

Old, dead leaves piling up in my driveway, on my porch, across my lawn (and they are almost always wet from the rain, so hard to rake!).

Cold mornings (hello! Does anyone else have toes that are constantly frozen?!).

$900. calculation errors and lots (and lots) of worrying about Christmas presents... this happens to everyone, right?

Well... there is more good than bad!

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