Thursday, July 2, 2009

summer squabbles

What is it about summer that makes the siblings start to fight. A lot? I mean, arguing over lint from the dry cleaner vent type fighting? The kind of "don't look at me wrong" fighting, that just GRATES on my nerves kind of fighting. EVERYTHING is more dramatic, more his/her fault, he/she started it, "don't smile at me"??!! What is that about? Everyone has a temper, and they aren't afraid to use it!

'K' displaying her determined personality... and a missing front tooth!

I can chuckle, slightly, as I write this because I am slightly removed from it (they are watching a movie). I have to say, though, that I feel a bit like a jail warden might feel, herding inmates from activity to activity, just trying to keep the peace. I've always craved harmonyand I don't like to upset anyone; I'm actually pretty decent at keeping the peace. Until lately. I think my kids have figured me out! I have had to settle more arguments, and host more peace talks than I've had to do in a while, this past week.

I can attribute the dis-harmony with the start of summer, and new schedules. We are all getting used to being with each other again, full time. Even my husband is home more! It is an adjustment to having everyone together for the whole day, as opposed to having kids in opposite directions for the greater part of a day (with 'K' being at school all day). We will once again have "adjustment" periods of time in our house, for all of us, as we all start home-schooling together this year! I'm already praying for peace and wisdom... and it's only July!

Another change (that continues) is my son being on the gluten-free diet. I guess he has been on the diet for about six weeks, now. It's not a lot easier, I have to be honest. I'm getting better at reading labels, and figuring out what means wheat, and what doesn't. I haven't got it memorized, though, and that would make everything easier, having the list of safe vs. un-safe foods memorized! Hmmm... maybe I should start some memory exercises. The negative behaviors associated with gluten allergies do seem to be improving: the digestion of foods seems to be improved, also, 'T' has stopped having a lot of fine-motor tremors, which is interesting, meaning his writing has improved. The occupational therapist noticed this first, not me. I do notice he still has meltdowns, though! He still flaps. He may be a little easier to reason with... sometimes. It's a change. It's one I'm monitoring closely.

The great thing about summer, too, is a relaxed schedule. This isn't necessarily easy in a house with children that are 1) autistic/OCD/anxious, or 2) possibly (very possibly) hyperactive. This could, possibly, contribute to my fighting issue between siblings. I'm smiling, again, because it's evening, and all are happily watching a movie. There is harmony right now, for the moment...

On the Pacific Northwest front, my friend's house closed on Tuesday! Thank you for all the prayers, and well wishes for her and her family as they sold a house in a seemingly IMPOSSIBLE market. It is weird to know that their house is no longer their house; but thrilled that a success has occurred! What a relief!

Other news: my husband has remodeled our garage. I think it is funny that the garage is such a priority to the men-folk. Funny in an interesting way, not really a humorous way... by the way. He worked really hard for 4 days installing shelves and tracks that host hooks and all sorts of organizational buckets, and bin holders. It is quite amazing! I wish my closet was as organized and compartmentalized as the garage is! I tend to be more externally organized, where as my husband wants the organization to be complete. The garage looks great! --The system is called Gladiator Systems, and we have this litle project-keeper, pictured here, from the Whirlpool website.

Kudos to all of us wives, and mothers trying to make the world better by being harmonious with our kids and spouses! Kudos to the ones who tolerate us, as well (wink, 'M', I know you read (: ). Congratulations, too, to all the successes. Continue to pray...

(May)..."Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her." --Proverbs 31:28, New Translation

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