It just so happens that I am a yogi. I guess that it is fair to say that I can call myself that! I’ve been a casual yoga practitioner for about twenty years. And by casual, I mean by video when I could motivate myself to do so. A few years ago I started dropping in on classes taught at a local studio and really started to fall in love with the practice, like wanting to do yoga more. 

Last year, my husband decided he wanted to try yoga, too, and he fell in love with it (which actually didn’t surprise me). He did surprise me by suggesting that we buy the yearly membership and commit to going regularly. 

Now, I get to practice whenever I want which ends up being about 5-6 days a week! And several times a week, it’s a date with my main man (bonus!!). It’s been fun to go together and grow together. My middle daughter commented to one of her friends, “who are these people?!” I guess it’s kind of a change for us all.

The best thing about practicing yoga consistently is the subtle changes one starts to notice about oneself. It’s fun to try a pose and find that all-of-the-sudden you are doing it- and doing it well! My strength has improved dramatically! I also find that when I’m especially stressed or anxious, I’m already breathing slowly and deeply. Total benefit, right?! Especially in today’s pandemic/political/economic situation. 

Yoga Mala

So, yoga mala is the practice of doing 108 sun salutations. That’s a lot of work! Last weekend, my studio hosted a yoga mala, and Mark and I decided to go and make that our yoga for the day. 108 sun salutations takes about two hours. Yoga mala is 432 forward folds, 216 runners lunges, 216 downward dogs, 108 planks, 108 chaturangas (think push up with elbows tucked in), and lots of halfway lifts and arms over heads. 

It. Was. A. Beast.

I felt like jello. For three days after.


I had one moment of wanting to quit, but then Dave Goggins got in my head and shut that down in a hot second.

If you don’t know who Dave is, I encourage you to google him! He is so motivational and inspiring. He also will inform you that your problems (with anything) are your own, in your own mind, and are not anybody’s fault. So, if you are the sensitive type, maybe don’t google him. He definitely is all about owning your issues, and not placing blame elsewhere.

But… think about owning your excuses and don’t quit something you’ve started.

Goggins posted something about being dehydrated, and wanting to stop his run… of course, he didn’t do that. He yelled, “IF you’re thirsty, then lick your lips!!!” Well, I licked my lips and tasted the freaking Atlantic Ocean!


Practice is just that: it’s practicing. No one is ever an expert at yoga, or anything, really, if you think about it. I love this about yoga! I love that you have good days and bad days, that you need to check your ego at the door before you get onto your mat, and that every class is a journey. 

Yoga Mala may not have looked pretty- especially close to the end of my practice. Finishing what I started, though, and not giving up is pretty awesome. Making change, and feeling peaceful, and being healthy?

That is just beautiful!