Sunday, March 28, 2021


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I got the news this week that Coca-Cola is going to stop making Tab.

I know this is not earth-shattering news for most people. In fact, most people probably think that it has not been in production for decades. One does not usually see it on the shelves of their favorite grocery store anymore, and never in restaurants.

However, for me and my family and friends, it’s kind of earth shattering. I got a text from a best friend (practically in the middle of the night) about the discontinuation of Tab. My brother sent a text about it, as well.

So, what’s all the fuss that inspired a blog post about it?

Well, Tab is basically an icon for our family. It has been in the landscape of all our memories of my mom. She was a dedicated Tab drinker for eons! She always had a Tab in her hand, by her chair in the living room, at the dinner table. If you knew me, my brother, my mom, you knew Tab.

My parents were fortunate to get Tab at the commissary, mostly. I’m pretty sure that the commissary kept it stocked for her alone! Every once in a while, the commissary would not have it, and we would all be calling the local grocery stores to see if we could locate some, until the commissary was made right again.

No Tab equaled a grouchy mom!

When we traveled to visit relatives, or go on vacation, Tab accompanied us. Cases of it!

Not only for me, but for everyone who knew my mom, Tab is synonymous with BJ. Saying good bye to Tab is strangely sorrowful. I couldn’t stand the drink, personally. My mom always said either you hated it or loved it, so I landed in the hating-it camp. Yet still, it invokes nostalgia. And, she loved drinking her Tab!

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