Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Strength will rise as we wait upon the LORD!

It is so hard to be patient and peaceful amidst daily strife and turmoil. 

I pray for wisdom and guidance, not just for me, but for all my friends and family who are facing change or having to make decisions about major "stuff".

I also pray for our world!  So many alarming events are taking place!  I find myself (and many close friends) suffering some anxiety about world (and local) disasters (literally and figuratively).

2011 is speeding by at a very fast pace for us here in Virginia!  Spring is always a busy time, school-wise, especially.  I think I feel like I only have limited time left to meet all these educational objectives, that are (admittedly) lofty, at best.  That being said, we are managing to read, write, and figure something out each day... so that's positive, right?  Even if it's only following the directions on how to cook our pizza (the world's perfect food)?! Right!!!?!

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