Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's like this....

Going to church on Christmas Eve
So, I have a cold, complete with the body -achy-I-know-I-have-a-sinus-infection type cold.  Amoxicillin just does not work for me.  Period. End of story.  I don't know when my physician will realize this.  So, I'm starting to feel better after being upgraded to the Z-Pack.  Anyway, this is my fantastic excuse for not posting sooner in this new year!  Oh, also, my brother and his family were visiting, and we were busy with them! It is always fun to hang out with my family!

The holidays were fantastic!  A bit too chilly for my taste, but the snow was pretty on Christmas, and the day after.  New Years Eve was fun, too, shopping and going to my friend's house for a little soiree.  New Year's Day dinner was really yummy - fixed by my mom, of course.  I enjoy ham (real ham, not deli-meat full of preservative-ham).

This week is the lets-get-it-back-together week.  We started school yesterday, and already we were slacking a bit today (not too badly, just... well, I really don't feel great).  We are slowly getting rid of all the sugar-filled (very yummy) snacks/cookies.  I've even walked in 20degree weather (not really a favorite thing to do, but it certainly wakes you up!).  So, I think we are off to a pretty good start! We haven't even eaten out yet (although tonight may be the night)...

Ta-Da... Katie, the magician!

Tommy is happy!

Danielle and her Charlotte!

My favorite Jeremiah verse comes to mind, to start off the new year:  "I know the plans I have for you... to make you prosper, and to not do you harm..."  I love, love, love the power and promise in those words!  It is with great purpose that we humans are here to live, and to serve.  I sometimes feel that all I can do is to pray, and that it isn't enough; but then I think that must be my pride talking, so then, I think that even in these small intentions there must be a great work happening. 

And that is what faith is all about... Don't you think?

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Oh, January

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