Tuesday, July 6, 2010

summer beach trip

Our Favorite: Hugenot Beach

 "Learn to be patient, so that you will please God and be given what He has promised." Hebrews 10:35

I am so blessed to have all that I have.  I know God has great plans for me.  I know I am loved.  I pray for patience when things don't seem to be going my way, because I know that in the little things great works are in place for bigger things. 

My neck has been hurting for about ten days now, and being she-girl and tough woman, I couldn't complain about it too much because I didn't want to upset the family vacation time we had going on in Jacksonville.  Of course, all of that came to an abrupt halt when Tommy and Mark landed on my head (yes, right on top, seriously) in the swimming pool on the 4th of July at my Uncle John's house.  I grinned and bore it through fireworks then suggested (demanded) that I needed to visit the urgent care to make sure nothing was out of place (need something for the pain).  Jacksonville, Florida is an awesome town; but no urgent cares!!! Only hospitals!  Being a (non-working-currently) nurse I was MORTIFIED to go to an ER for silly neck pain... 

This is known as vanity, I believe, so I must admit that I am humbled by this teachable lesson: when experiencing neck pain, and the ER is the only option, don't be a whiner or a sissy and just go.  Baptist Hospital was phenomenal.  Aside from having to give a urine sample (probably too much info, but seriously?! I hurt my neck.  I don't have any UTI symptoms... the response was that too bad, too sad... pee in the cup, we need to make sure you aren't pregnant, you female, you), I was seen quickly and efficiently.  No c-spine injuries.  Apparently, though, major muscle spasms have the ability to straighten out the natural curve of your neck.  Mine is straight right now instead of curved... interesting, isn't it?

so cool... where the helicopter lands at Baptist Hospital

ANYWAY.   The point is... be thankful for what you have, and your God given ability to do what you can!  God is good, it can always be worse.  Neck braces aren't fun in 100 degree heat, but a halo traction would be worse. I think.

All things considered, we had a fun trip.  My wise, sweet G-ma told us lots of stories (history in disguise).  We went to the beach EVERY day!  Oceans and sand are sooooo cool!  We saw crabs, sharks (for real), shells, and sea gulls.  Mark actually saw a sea turtle, and rescued it back to the water.  I would love to live closer to the beach.  We. Love. The. Beach.  Especially the ones in Jacksonville, Florida!

Beautiful Girl

Mark found a live conch!

Tom-Tom loves the waves and sand

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