Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fun May Week

Ohhhh!  I'm so happy it is Spring!  The weather has been really nice.  In spite of raging high pollen counts, Virginia continues to be beautiful in the spring time.  The flowers are really great, I even have a white peony blooming in my front yard at this very moment.  I do not have a green thumb, so this is nothing short of miraculous!  I have three peony plants... but one full bloom flower... and I just love it!

Woodlawn Stables

My friend Cindy came to Virginia yesterday from San Diego, and I got to spend all day with her and her beautiful baby girls (age four, and two... younger than mine, so babies).  We went to lunch at the Silver Diner.  We went to Woodlawn Stables for a home school field trip focusing on the care and keeping of horses (which was totally an eye opener... so much work!), which all the children loved.  After that we went to Occoquan Park (way cool), and then we finished with dinner at Potomac Mills (complete with a stop by Books-A-Million).  We had a totally fun, busy day. 

My kids playing with Cindy's kids

Cindy is an amazing friend that I have known since I was thirteen years old (ugh- middle school years), and she was nice to me when others weren't during those horrid, awkward years.  Our dads were both Navy, and by God's Grace they both ended up in Burke, Va; so Cindy and I actually got to finish grades 8 - 12 together.  We were in each other's weddings, too. I am truly blessed to have such amazing friends, sisters, really, in my life.  Three are on the west coast: San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle; and the rest are here in Virginia. I love them all. If I had my way we would all be within walking distance of each other. 

Me and Cindy!

Katie's MRI went well - no results,yet.  She was a trooper, and a bit of a diva after... wait, she is always a diva. So, any way, she was a trooper.

crazy Tom and Kate
crazy Danielle

The school year is almost over!  We studied Persia this week... King Cyrus, and King Darius, and the prophet Isiah, and the stories of Daniel.  It is always amazing to me when it all comes together and I have these big AHA! moments.  This week was like that (for me!) - I love, love, love history!

Please pray with me for Eileen's mom and family. Cancer is just a really heartbreaking thing. I hate it that so much changes so fast.

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Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...