Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm glad I decided to start school this week, because we start dance next week. I think that would cause some major anxiety... We would be slammed with all these schedules, and classes all at once! This week has mostly been review, and just getting our "feet wet". I'm finding out some new things about myself and my children.

'K', the youngest (girl), does not like to write. I have chosen to try classical education this year, which is a lot of free writing. She doesn't like it. She love, love, loves math! I don't like math. It is going to be an interesting year.

'D', the middle (girl, too), loves to write. She loves workbooks (lucky, I know, I think I wrote that last time, too). She is even liking math... this is all very good!

'T', the oldest (boy), really is a trooper. He faithfully attends to his work, and as long as he knows what is expected he troops through it. So far, so good.

'T', as many of you know, has some special needs (autism spectrum), and has been diagnosed with many allergies. It has been a huge burden to try a gluten-free, nut-free, and meat-free (he is a self chosen vegetarian) diet. As I have read and researched about autism and the detoxing from gluten, I have been amazed by the success stories. Some children have better behavior, and for some, ticks, and self stimming is decreased. This has not really happened for us. For a while it seemed like 'T' was less tremulous, and sometimes his stimming seemed decreased, but over all, so far, his behavior is worse, and one doctor commented that she thought his tremor was worse. It is hard to know what to do! My son is angry, but he is also twelve. I think he is supposed to be angry... so, please pray for me. I'm not sure that being gluten free is necessary. That being said, he still can't have chocolate! He is all broken out right now because he was "too nice" to tell the baby-sitter that he couldn't have chocolate syrup on his vanilla ice-cream. Hmmmmmmm.....

My friend, Shanda, gave me a blog award. I didn't know we could do that! She has been led to take some time off of blogging for a while. I have found a most encouraging friend in her! She is my mentor mom, because I love the way she mothers, and I love her bold Christianity! I think blogs are still available, even if people aren't actually posting, or commenting, so check out her awesome messages and insights at

We are going out of town (again) for Labor Day weekend! It will be nice to be in the mountains, again. I am hoping to have a good visit with my parents and my brother, and his son. Of course, I'm looking forward to hanging out with the kids and husband, also! This is rarely a stress-free escape, but is usually pretty fun. The hiking is awesome, and if it isn't too cool yet, the pool is nice.

Sooo... I need to get back in to the habit of leaving a scripture verse! It encourages me to look them up, and actually read my Bible. I've made the kids memorize Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom... But, I like for me, now, 1Peter 5:7: Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (both from the NIV study bible).

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Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...