Friday, September 11, 2009


Yea! It is Friday! Or... Ugh! It is Friday...

Fridays are great! It is the end of the "work"week. We can sleep in the next day, stay up late tonight, watch movies. No schooling over the weekend (formal school, anyway. We're always learning, right?). Friday is the day of the week we look forward to. I like Fridays!

Friday, also, tends to be the hardest day! The desire to slack off from work is great. Why shouldn't we relax, take it easy, and skip math? The guinea pig will live one more day without clean litter. The turtles don't really need a filter change; and who cares if we finish the science lesson, or not? (I do care, by the way, but Friday is Friday)

Something else about Friday: The behavior is always worse this day, more than any other day of the week. I think it has to do with fatigue. I think it has to do with anticipation of the day off. I think, also, it is the end of the week, and sometimes we are just done by Friday. Morning. Finished, time to go back to bed!

Today went well, but not as planned. The husband left notes needed for a quiz on the computer at home, and he was at work, and the quiz was open, could I please deliver them, now, in the next hour or so, as the quiz couldn't be closed once opened, and the notes were needed. No problem, and it worked out great, because I needed to be somewhere close to where he was working and the kids could hang out with him. Today was a good lesson in being flexible (flexibility in mind and in action). The kids got to see a Blackhawk helicopter (the coolest, besides a Bell 412, by the way), and a military-type leer jet. Plus, visiting with pilots and flight medics is always cool! I got to go to my appointment worry-free because the kids weren't waiting on me in the waiting room and I wasn't worried about what they were or were not doing in the waiting room. It is good to be flexible -- even on a Friday! We didn't get the science lesson done, but observing planes and helicopters can be science, right?

History was more important, today, anyway. Remember 9-11? We do, and did this morning. I think that, unfortunately, people may be beginning to forget. I didn't see a lot of patriotic colors on people. Nobody talked about the day, that I heard of. I don't even think there were any big memorial events close by where we live. I don't want to forget the importance of remembering such a day as this. My middle child was just a baby, and my oldest had just had his tonsils out, so we were home watching the events unfold. I will never forget the eerie silence that night. When planes are part of your background noise, and they all stop flying at once, it is amazing how quiet it is. I think the most important thing to remember about 9-11 is the patriotism and hope of a country momentarily stunned.

My son asked me this morning, "well, who won?"

"We did, of course, because we keep carrying on. We keep living, and we keep praying."

Remember Patriot Day. May God bless all the heroes of the day!

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