Saturday, September 9, 2023

Why Yoga

 Take a deep breath in, purse your lips and slowly let it out…

Yoga, by far, has been one of the most beneficial activities that I’ve added to my repertoire of exercise/workout routines. Not only is it great exercise, but it is great for mind, body and soul. 

In this time of life of mine, I am needing more and more stress relief. My husband is just as stressed as I am. We both never imagined how stressful having adult children is!

Whomever said the toddler years were all about keeping your children alive, forgot to mention that this concept re-emerges as the theme of being parents to young adults. It is even worse, because you lose all the control you (sort of) had as your children as toddlers. When they are in their twenties, parents get the eye-roll, the sigh, and some manner of proclamation ranging from: “I’m twenty, mom, get a grip” to “back off, I got it, let me live my life!”

The drama is obnoxious, and that struggle is real phrase, becomes the reality of your life!

So- yoga.

An hour class involves a gentle-to ass-kicking workout, mental health therapy, breath work, grounding and centering, being nurtured, 2-10 minutes of pretending to be dead, but still breathing, and affirmations that tell you to be kind to yourself, love yourself, give yourself grace. Also, congratulations are given to you just for showing up.

I love it.

My father remarked to me during a recent visit, that, “I don’t know what’s going on with your husband, but this has been the best visit with him- whatever he’s doing, tell him to keep it up!”

It’s the yoga!

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