Tuesday, November 7, 2017



I know this about myself: November and December always spike my anxiety levels. I'm guessing this has to do with the desire to please, the added expenses of fancy food and gift giving, and the extra organizational challenges of decorating and keeping secrets (gifts and such). 

This is my favorite season, and the most stressful. It's kind of like having a newborn- it's the most precious time, it goes by so fast, and it's so exhausting.

So, I breathe. I pray instead of meditating (in the traditional sense), because the value of quiet time and meditating- on Christ, for me- are immeasurable. 

Breathe, pray, and focus on being mindful on the moments happening right now. This season I am trying very hard to be mindful and present and to not be so distracted by the stress side of things. Stress is a hard hurdle to get around, I know. I'll keep trying, though.


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