Tuesday, January 15, 2013

it is grey today... but...

getting along at Government Island
The New Year is off to a good start.  Resolutions were made, and most are still going strong-

I've discovered, though,  I'm not so good at fasting, which I will need to work on, because I'll try it again soon, for Lent.  I tried giving up sugar, except for desserts... so guess who has been having a ton of desserts?  Like, every night??   yep-- that would be me.  I have been faithful in one way (not eating it during the day), but over-indulging in the evenings- which isn't the point of the fast.  Needless to say, I'm human, it's a new concept for me- giving up something to draw closer to Christ through prayer- and, so, I'll just have to try again.  It's a life story, right? If at first you don't succeed, try again.  It's certainly part of my story.

So, I've been thinking about sugar, a lot, only to read last night that I have, like, so many risk factors for diabetes.   Wait for it.....

What?! ME?!


Guess who is going to be getting serious about some self control, and diet management?  I'll keep you posted.  Another opportunity to try again, I'm thinking.

Other things are good, though. We've been pretty faithful about morning devotions.  We've been pretty good about being active.  We're a little off track the past few days because it has been foggy or grey, rainy every day since last Friday.  No sun. No vitamin D absorption.

Doesn't exactly make for elevated moods... which doesn't exactly contribute to the getting along resolutions for the kids

My children fight so much these days.  I am literally praying every day for their hearts to change to each other, to be softer, gentler, kinder...  It's definitely one of our struggles in this house...

So. Right. On to encouragement.  I love, love, love how my devotional verse, the verse from the pastor's teaching, and not just one but several blogs I read all match up.  It's amazing.  Two weeks ago it was Mark 12:30:  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength" (the next verse is love your neighbor as your self... which I've been all but screaming at my children: this means you!!! your brother and sister or sisters are your neighbors!!!).

This week's verse is written from Paul's perspective, a man who is, quite possibly, one of the most pivotal characters in Christian history because he spread the Gospel across a huge chunk of the Roman Empire.  The verse reads: 2 Corinthians 12:9: "But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you for My power is made perfect in weakness, therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me"

I am weak.  I am weak.  I am weak. I can't do it without You.  I need you. I am weak. And it's going to be OK.  His power rests on me...

And already this verse has been continually revealed this week.  In blogs.  On signs.  On Facebook. Several times.  Divine intervention. Amazing. Love.

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