Friday, December 14, 2012


Wow...  I am, like, totally derailed by the flu.  I'm actually surprised at how bad it is... Danielle is back in the game, but Tommy and I remain down.  I know only how I feel, and I know it's worse for my Tom-Tom because everything is so magnified for him.  He just sat in his bed yesterday.  That's it. Just sat.  He didn't want food or water, he was done with the couch and the TV, he wouldn't read... he just... sat... until he fell asleep.  Poor guy.

My usual Tommy, marveling over an old fashioned telephone booth!
So, I've been utilizing the YOUBIBLE on my iphone...  It's quite handy (and accessible, even at 2 am when you're awake and wonder why- just open up the Bible!).  Love it.  Plus, I have all this down time- sitting in bed will get tedious on day 6 of your illness (in case you were wondering) - I read that while you are recovering from flu that even just a little bit of walking/activity actually takes the body's resources away from fighting the virus and assigns said resources to doing everyday type maintenance...  therefor... I'll actually heal faster just sitting in the bed... hmmmm... maybe my Tommy is onto something...

Isaiah  52:7: How beautiful upon the mountains
    are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness,
    who publishes salvation,
    who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

Anyway- ADVENT- it's all about preparing for the Lord's arrival.  Preparing for Christmas.  Preparing our hearts to accept the miracle that is Jesus.  I'm not talking about preparing trees, and wrapping presents, and baking sweet treats... I'm talking about really thinking about what has happened here...

Really think about this:   Some odd two thousand years ago, God came to Earth as a BABY... He grew into a young man and started ministering to us in order to show us not only how to live, but to show us how much He loves us!  You! Me! All of us!

The Old Testament is filled with messages about His arrival, and His coming to save us.

The New Testament tells us that Jesus came for us, lived with us, and died for us.

Advent, this time before Christmas, is our chance to prepare ourselves, our hearts, for the crazy love that is God in Jesus... as a human.  It's really kind of overwhelming- in a good way!

I pray for my friends and family to recognize the miracle that is available here and now (prepare our hearts). That during this season, the miracle of Christmas will come to them, and soften them, and love them.  I pray that their and our hearts will be healed.  I pray that I may have the privilege and that I will be held accountable, to witness the love and joy of my Savior to others who need Him. And I pray that I may be authentic, and real, and sincere. I just pray for opportunities... prepare me, prepare us all... prepare for PEACE.

Danielle and Katie on Thanksgiving Day

That is Danielle in the middle! She was Alice!

Katie's newest endeavor! I think she'll be good at it!

And, of course, thanks be to God for the too-many-to-count blessings bestowed upon me and mine.

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