Monday, September 24, 2012

Share your story!

We are called, as Christians, to share.

My Pastor this Sunday at church preached about sharing the Gospel.  He taught that if we've been Christians longer than even an hour we should be re-telling our story.  How many of us actually share?

I grew up Lutheran, have been close several times to converting to Catholocism, have spent time in the Methodist Church, and am most recently attending a Southern Baptist church.  I love the Lord, I have a relationship with Jesus, I fully rely on God, and I heavily depend on the Holy Spirit's guidance.  I have experienced Christ and grown in relationship with Him at each Church, and I can't pick out one that is better than the others.  I know the Truth. I've witnessed people turning to Christ, and the impact that has on their lives.  It's a beautiful thing.

Every church and congregation I've been in has urged this sharing.  One thing I know is that we are all on the same team, and I know that sometimes sharing means just living by example.  If you are going to talk the talk- then, for sure, you need to be walking the walk, because, we all know what it's like to witness hypocrisy, and I don't know one human who likes it.  I think Ghandi rejected Christianity because he didn't like that Christians didn't live by their faith.  He insisted that he loved Christ, but not Christians (that being said, accepting Christ as your savior, and developing a relationship with Christ are what make one a Christian, and being admonished to live like Him is what Christians should strive for).  Respecting and admiring Christ does not make you a Christian any more than saying you are a Christian and then refusing to try to live as one (in my very humble opinion).

I know, for me, I try to walk the walk... and I fail, often, but then I try again, and again, and again... because of the perfect love of Christ, I don't have to be perfect... and because of Him, I get a second chance... and because of that, more people get to hear (or read about) my story... and that is how I share........


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