Wednesday, June 20, 2012


(from information hub of besties)

I read this the other night, and wanted to share it:

"Nothing in Heaven compares to the beauty of God, and nothing on Earth approaches the beauty of women.  For this reason, women have a unique role in revealing God to the world... 'God has a beauty to unveil, a beauty that is captivating and powerfully redemptive.' Like His, your beauty is powerful" (Jason Evert, Theology of Her Body)

I have not read his book.  I have to say, though, that I'm thinking I want to very much.  God is awesome, in that, one of my best friends is reading Captivating and has shared some of the passages from that book with me, and they, of course, mirror what I'm seeing elsewhere in my reading-study-quiet time.  You see, God does stuff like that when He wants you to pay attention.  Another friend messaged me saying that during her quiet time she is seeing some of the things I had been sharing.  So, it all comes full circle to show that nothing is an accident.  One day, maybe, I'll stop being surprised when this happens to me (like, daily, it seems).

Friends, we are beautiful, and captivating, and worth His love and affection.  When we feel down and out, we should be repeating over and over, until we believe it, that we are His daughters, children of God, and we are beautiful and worthy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

almost done...

I love coming to an end of the school year.  I guess it is that sense of accomplishing something, of finishing well, of achievement.  While we didn't home-school this year, I'd like to believe that we were pretty involved in the kids academics and stuff.  So, imagine my surprise to find out my Katie got a young author award!!!  What? Really? She likes to write stories?  Who knew?  It's very cool.  Her teacher has been a huge blessing to us this year.  Katie (that child) started the year with a lot of struggles- but now she is reading, and writing (apparently) very well.  She doesn't think she is good at math, but she actually excels at it and she even passed her social studies and science test well within the pass range (cheers!)

Tommy is done, officially, today.  He is SO excited that he doesn't have to wake up so early (me, too!).  His report card will get mailed to us, but I'm sure he passed everything.  He is officially a sophomore!

Danielle can't wait for the year to be over!  It's half days for the rest of the week for her, so she is happy.  Tomorrow is a party and Friday is field day.  Woo-hooo!!! Summer is here! 

So... the 2011-2012 school year is coming to a close.  I am happy:)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I always seem to start with, "'s been awhile..."

Smiling... sighing... sorry

So, moving right along-

This weekend was the Virginia Home-school convention.  I hadn't been in 2 years, so it was very renewing and affirming to have the privilege to go this year.  I took Danielle with me.  Mark was in California training to do cool stuff like rescuing people during international disasters (I'm not proud or anything like that:)), and my mom and dad (very thankfully) watched my tornadoes (ahem, I mean other two children) , Tom and Katie... my own version of Tom-Kat (ha!).

We've had a host of craziness at casa-de-schroeder:   migraines, asthma, etc.  Amidst all the things that seem to bring me down, though, some great things lift me up.  I realize that we live in a free country, we have good health care and insurance, my family and friends are so good to me, I have a car, a house, a job, a family.

Of course, also, we have had chorus field trips, book clubs, karate, gymnastics and dance.  And that's just the scheduled every day stuff!

There have been birds nesting on our front porch, too, and some fantastic afternoon thunderstorms!

Every day brings new excitements and blessings...

I had a date at chick-fil-a for Mother-Son Knight... a very cool event that I wish I heard of ages ago because we had so much fun.

I'm slightly anxious and very excited to home-school the girls again next school year.  I'm praying for patience for all of us as we prepare for a new routine.  I pray that Tommy knows he is loved and that high-school at school is best for him right now.  His teachers and those that provide him with his special education and autism services are rock-stars!

I also pray for God to help me and guide me and give me wisdom (a lot of requests, there) so that I know I am serving my family in the right way, and for Him to lead me to whatever ministry He has in store for me (and that it is obvious- I tend to need a very clear sign).

It's on my heart to type this one last thing tonight... I know some of my friends are struggling...

I'm praying for each of you in my own special way for the special stuff that you need.  Every life has purpose!  Even yours!:)

Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...