Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Advent greetings!

Mary and Jesus
(from Graphicsfairy)
Greetings!  It's a good week, but chilly (OK... COLD).  I'm trying to feel warm and peaceful at the moment!  Mark graduates this Saturday! We are all so excited!  The Nutcracker went well last week.  We are all so excited about that, too!!!

My Own Little World Stop-Motion Video by Aly D
Check out this video on YouTube:

This is such a sweet video made by an obviously, very talented, young lady.  I think the message is especially poignant. 

Such a week, here!  We are half-heartily finishing a week of school... and I tell you, none of us are in the mood.  We are just trying to get things done so we can take a good, long break!  We all need to regroup and refocus.  That being said, we are officially done with ancient history!  We finished the fall of Rome yesterday. 

It is so very cold.  The house won't even warm up to the temperature I've dialed into the thermostat.  I feel like it's laughing at me with a sarcastic undertone of, "you are so dreaming if you think I can heat your house up to 68 degrees when it is, like, 12 degrees outside!"  Yep.  Talking to the thermostat.  That's normal, right?

an abandoned pup curls up with Baby Jesus... what we should all do sometimes...

(my Mother-in-Law emailed me this picture of an outside Nativity scene

So- I'm thinking of the cold and under-served today.  I'm even going to ask everyone to remember that it isn't our own little world... Anyone can make a huge difference with just a small act.  Who knows?  You may be unwittingly in the company of angels. Say a prayer!

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