Wednesday, January 20, 2010

(image from graphics fairy)

"Be a lamp, a ladder or a lifeboat."

I saw this written on one of my calenders last year and kept the saying taped above the kitchen sink to remind me to behave well, and to live by example. It's hard, and easy to forget in the day-to-day. The bed-wetter wet the bed, again. Very difficult to be patient with this, as my bed-wetter is 12 years old. 'AI' says a, just like a- consonant- e says a. We've been over this! You multiply the ones, then the tens... all of the ones, then all of the tens! I made my daughter cry! Wipe your hands on a ,napkin, not your shirt, use a sponge to clean up spilled water, not your sleeve, take the dry clothes out of the dryer before you put in the wet clothes... it can go on and on (and on...)

So. I need to remind myself:

be a lamp: show how, show the way, be patient

be a ladder: help, demonstrate, guide the way

be a lifeboat: don't cry, we will do it together. Come to me and feel safe.

I can aspire to live by example. I'll look to the Lord, though, for my example. He is the lamp, the ladder, and the lifeboat!

"The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those who are committed to Him" 2 Chronicles 16:9

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