Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, but , there we were. Last year, January started with my worst bout of covid yet, a broken foot and a tree crashing through our house (that took months to fix). This year, the drama was more emotional, but still devastating, and I was  recovering from my second back surgery in three months. It was also one of our longest, coldest, iciest January months we’ve seen in these parts for quite a while- like two weeks in the twenties!

So, in February, when my husband got to travel to a warmer environment (say, like, Ft. Lauderdale), I asked if this was a can-your-wife-tag-along trip? He checked, and the answer was yes (yay!!)!! 

Praise God! For real! In all things, yes, even the trials, which is so hard, but, wow, was I happy for a little break! And, yes, I’m a comma girl.

So, I packed up all my sad, anxious thoughts sand put them in a Drop-Dead-Fred box, and prepared to head South. 

Of course, a few days before we flew, the terrible Potomac crash happened. I’m already a nervous flier, but this amped up those feelings, in addition to the overwhelming feelings of the tragedy of it all. Then the Pennsylvania crash happened. Terrible and Sad. Then there was another crash. Anxiety. What was also so somber feeling, is that we have peripheral connections to the community of the people involved in the crashes (and recovery efforts), especially the Potomac one. Passing the area where the recovery operations were set up was sobering, and from the airport we could see the crews, with their equipment, working out on the water.

When we finally took off, I was sobbing in my seat. It wasn’t from the fear or the anxiety, though. I could actually feel the heaviness and sorrow from the site on the Potomac. Being an empath is hard. Sometimes, these overwhelming feelings surprise me. Prayers.

Landing in Ft. Lauderdale was surreal. It was around 45 degrees when we left DC, and it was sunny and 76 degrees when we landed. Making sure the Drop-Dead-Fred box was secure on the shelf, I set out to seek active relaxation (so not good at that), continued recovery (nurses are the worst patients ever), and good old reflection and rest. 

It’s a work in progress. Trying to come to grip with the reality that one of my children is suffering greatly, and she blames me, and coming to terms with not being able to fix some things, is devastatingly, overwhelmingly painful. I know that it is not all me, and I know she is casting blame, and I know God loves her more than even I do, but… It is hard to be in this space. 

Along those lines, there is something about physically being in a different location to control-alt-delete. This trip was not about living it up in sunny Florida. This trip was a pause. A take a breath. A recharge (like, literally, I solar-paneled recharge). A long talk with Jesus.

It was good.

I know it is going to get worse before it gets better, and I am so not looking forward to it. However, as always, I do have my faith. And I don’t quit. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Still…. I realize

Once again, I am looking to the hills, where my Help comes from, the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I desperately am reminding myself of who I am, Whose I am, and Who loves me. I am drawn closest to God when I am hurting. I feel His presence most acutely when I am clinging desperately to His promises.

It’s been a ride, people. I swear, every year comes and goes and I think, “Geesh! Well, that was crazy!”

This year has been that and so much more. I have spent the greater part of today writing and publishing a pretty detailed, very painful, very private post about the last few months of this year and how they have impacted me. Then, in talking about said post with Mr. Mark, in which he (very rightly) pointed out how some of that information is nobody’s business, and what did I have to gain by putting “out there” on the internet for “everyone”? Needless to say, I took it down. My angsty mind and hurt, angry emotions were very much on board with “it’s my business, and whomever else has heard about it from other sources’ needs to hear about it from my point of view, and  if one is going to act a fool, and play me ass a fool even unwittingly, one may as well get the whole damn truth out there…”

Alas. here we are. Just know that when you get hurt by those whom you love the most, God still calls you to be His and act accordingly. No matter how hard that may be, I think it falls under the love your neighbor (your children, your family, your spouse) rule. Plus, acting out says something about your character. Good or bad. 

So, here is a little tidbit about mine:

Those of you who know me,  KNOW that I love fiercely. I am all in. One thousand percent. I have raised my family this way- with all the fierce love. I have made sure every one of my kids knows that they are loved fiercely. My friends know I love them fiercely, too. So, can I tell you exactly how I am so crushed and that I take it so personally when I am accused of anything less? Well, it sucks, for one. It hurts unbelievably to me that someone close to me could possibly fathom that I would not move mountains for them in a second if that is what is required for the situation. But, that is neither here nor there, apparently, because someone has forgotten who she is, Whose she is, and Who loves her (and I’m not talking about me, here).

Lesson of the year:
To be clear:
Remember who you are.
Remember Whose you are.
Remember Who loves you.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

It Isn’t Supposed To Be This Hard


Ever feel like it’s one crisis after another… after another… and on it goes?

Someone is always having an issue, or is behaving as if the world has just ended, or getting robbed, or thinking they need a lung transplant for “ammonia”. These are the good days.


Being the mother to adult people may as well be like raising toddlers all over again. Except toddlers can’t choose to not return texts and phone calls… and they come out of time out when you tell them it’s over. 

These grownup kids will accuse you of not being caring nor being present for them for over a six year time period with no context, then ignore you for nine days and text only to say that you’re passive-aggressive and not a priority right now. Um, really? Is your health insurance that we still pay for a priority? Because now you’re being disrespectful.

The eldest one had his account hacked not once, but twice over a three month period, to the tune of $1600.00. He’s been fired. He is now having a meltdown (like literally, right now, in my living room) because I am refusing to say that I believe he can be fully independent. Also, I want to throat punch the world for taking advantage of a sweet, autistic adult. This is what we are dealing with today- all new passwords, ids, cards, logins, etc. 

The baby is living her best life in Murder City, USA. I worry about her safety and she thinks she needs a new lung because of said “ammonia,”. “Pneumonia, you mean?” I ask her. “yes,” she sobs. “Um- they don’t do lung transplants for that. You probably have a cold. Calm down.”

She did. I assume she is fine. I’ve checked on her once, and she said she was still coughing, but is feeling better. I told her to stop vaping. She didn’t even try to deny it. I think after all the drama we’ve been through with her has earned us a level of respect in which she knows that we know when she’s lying, so she doesn’t even try. It’s refreshing, to say the least.

I can understand that my kids are not aware of my perspective on relationships and hurts within our relationships, and may only be able to mentally see “me” vs “them” - I can understand that the eldest is just a little clueless, and just needs to hear the words. I understand the middle went through a traumatic event. I understand the youngest is trying to get by and live successfully in a city. However- don’t accuse me of distancing myself, of not caring, of not supporting, because nothing can be further from the truth. And at least have the decency to let me know what went wrong.

Also, Jesus? I know You said in this life we’d have trouble… but, can You maybe lighten it? Just a little? Please? 

I will keep on trying, regardless, and caring, and being present, even when the sentiment is ignored. I will also continue to pray… because. Just because. What else is there sometimes, but prayers?

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Why Yoga

 Take a deep breath in, purse your lips and slowly let it out…

Yoga, by far, has been one of the most beneficial activities that I’ve added to my repertoire of exercise/workout routines. Not only is it great exercise, but it is great for mind, body and soul. 

In this time of life of mine, I am needing more and more stress relief. My husband is just as stressed as I am. We both never imagined how stressful having adult children is!

Whomever said the toddler years were all about keeping your children alive, forgot to mention that this concept re-emerges as the theme of being parents to young adults. It is even worse, because you lose all the control you (sort of) had as your children as toddlers. When they are in their twenties, parents get the eye-roll, the sigh, and some manner of proclamation ranging from: “I’m twenty, mom, get a grip” to “back off, I got it, let me live my life!”

The drama is obnoxious, and that struggle is real phrase, becomes the reality of your life!

So- yoga.

An hour class involves a gentle-to ass-kicking workout, mental health therapy, breath work, grounding and centering, being nurtured, 2-10 minutes of pretending to be dead, but still breathing, and affirmations that tell you to be kind to yourself, love yourself, give yourself grace. Also, congratulations are given to you just for showing up.

I love it.

My father remarked to me during a recent visit, that, “I don’t know what’s going on with your husband, but this has been the best visit with him- whatever he’s doing, tell him to keep it up!”

It’s the yoga!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

When I Can’t Fix It


I absolutely am a pleaser person. I have been my whole life, for sure, but being married and having a family certainly exacerbated my pleasing tendencies. I’m sure there are are so many theories about people who like to please: nature, nurture, needing to do so to survive, having a hard to please parent, the list can go on and on. Regardless, because I am a pleaser, I am also a fixer. I try to make things right, or better, or less awful, or more awesome. Again, this list is never ending. It makes me so, so tired.

As you can probably imagine, when the pleasing, and the fixing tend to be running high, not only am I tired, but I can become very anxious. I think high functioning anxiety and high functioning enabling are very real co-morbidities of  the pleaser-fixer personality. Anyone else? I think people handle things differently, as well. Some pleaser-fixers are perpetually angry or crabby (and who can blame them, really?), some are putting on such a facade that they seem very laid back, and unbothered (then they have their meltdown quietly, at home, where no on can witness them breaking down), and some people probably just own it and tell everyone what’s going on with them. I’m probably a combination of all of these, depending on the hormones, current situation, and whether or not I’m too hungry.

(Can I get a witness?)

So, I’m having the best time visiting Minnesota (pretty much, blissfully, alone), and found out today that one of my dad’s brothers died this morning. The viewing/funeral is in two days. In NorthDakota. My dad is in Myrtle Beach. A hurricane is coming. He has way too much going on with him to get to the funeral.

I can’t make it better. I can’t please my North Dakota relatives by getting him or myself, or anyone from my family there in two days time. I’m supposed to be returning home that day.

I can’t fix it.

So, I’m not in a tailspin or anything (right now) but it hurts to not be able to fix things. I go into worry mode about my family that is grieving the loss of their dad. I wonder how they are. I wonder how my dad is coping. My heart literally hurts when I’m faced with this amount of grief and uncertainty. 

So, people pleasers and fixers- I’d love to pray with you as we navigate our crazy, messy, beautiful selves. I hope for peace to surround us when things feel out of control. I wish for hope to surround us when we can’t do what our very nature tells us to do daily… hourly. And I hope that those who love us can give us a little grace when our very unrealistic expectations that we put on ourselves start to bring us down.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Parenting the Adults

I am, undeniably, more stressed parenting adult children, than I ever was parenting the kids when they were young. I think it’s because I had much more control of the situations that arose when they were younger. I also was able to parent with consequences that meant something when the kids were in various stages. You want the Wi-Fi password?- I’ll give it to you when you finish your chores…  You want your toy back?- finish your vegetables… You want to go out with your friends?- finish cleaning your room… and so on and so forth. I just don’t have that kind of leverage anymore. 

I have one, successively launched child, out of three. She still has her issues, and some of her choices are not mine. My middle girl, though, has finished her bachelors degree in four years, is engaged to be married, and paying her own bills. Super proud of her!!!

The oldest is on the list for housing through the community services board. He will get housing assistance because of his autism. The man child will be launched within the next few months. He has held the same job for several years, has a core group of a few friends, is a Mason, and plays Dungeons and Dragons. He’s come a long way, baby. He will still need support, but he’s come so far!

The youngest (the child that is that child) is still my toughest work in progress child. I know all of us are works in progress, but she is always my challenging kid. I love her fiercely, and she is the one that consumes all my worries. She makes dangerous choices, and is constantly on my mind. I think, often, that God is teaching me something big through my experiences with her, and I pray He shows me and my family through it.

The adult children are definitely on their own paths, and really, all three of them are in a different place spiritually and mentally than I would have wished for. My good friend said once that she had a hard time believing that these kids came out of our house and upbringing. How did this happen? I can only shrug, because this family they grew up in is a God believing, Christian family. At least one child is away from the faith, and another behaves in a decidedly not-following-faithful-living type of way. 

I’m sure that free will and adult choices are bound to differ from kid to kid, and parent to kid. It’s so hard though, to watch them struggle as they have made conscious choices to step back from the faith they were raised in. I get it that their minds and hearts are different than mine, but it kind of breaks my heart that they are each in their own different relationship with God. That my children have chosen to live in a way that is so different from how my husband and I raised them,  makes me feel sad. And a little desperate. It’s hard. I love them so very much. I want so much for them.

I also know that I don’t see the big picture, thank goodness! Praise God. For real.

I am proud, in different ways, for each of my adult kiddos. I truly see reflections of Jesus in all of them, and I have to remember that they are loved even more infinitely by God than I can ever imagine as a human. I’m grateful for that. While I may be in a constant stat of stress and worry on this side of Heaven, I am confident that all will be made right on the other side of Heaven.

But, mamas of adult children, God sees you. He is with you. Even to the end of the age.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

This Is How It Ends

Who else feels like we are in the midst of the Apocalypse (capital A)? I’m starting to wonder, myself.  It’s like that meme with guy looking out with big eyes, and the caption reads something like. “Me wondering what chapter of Revelation are we on today?”

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm

I asked my father who was born at the close of World War Two, who lived through Vietnam, The oil crisis of the 70s, the Bay of Pigs, the Cold War, the two Gulf Wars, and several banking crisis’ what he thought of the right now. Is it worse than now than it was back then? He answered with a resounding YES. My daddy is very wise, so I listen when he has opinions.

He also said that we are still living in the greatest country in the world, not to lose sight of that.

I agree.

Regardless of how I feel about the dumpster fire that started with the manufactured virus, all the lies, the election integrity issues, the current state of our government- I find that for better or worse, I am in the right now. I have to find peace with the right now, especially because so little of the world is peaceful. While exuding peace seems next to impossible sometimes (a lot of times), the reality is that it is what it is. Living angry and anxious all the time isn’t good for my health- or yours- or anyones’!

I am so very anxious about how the world is (again) right now, how our country is right now. I know it’s wrong to complain if I don’t have a solution, but I don’t have one. I vote, I write my congress people, I try to be kind and helpful. I pray. I take care of those closest to me. Yet, the country and world that I love seem to be slipping away. Everyone is so angry, and confused, and it feels like we’ve forgotten how to talk with each other about differing thoughts and opinions without blowing up!

And, as I write (why I write), maybe that’s it. The world is supposed to slip away. We are, after all, aliens in a foreign land. God is sovereign. We are not meant to be here very long. And, as always, God is not surprised by any of this, even though I am still shocked every day by something.


Perhaps the whole point is to just do what you can do? Be kind. Take care of you and yours. Work hard to be peaceful, to be a light. Be involved. Answer hate with love. It may sound corney or naive, but it’s something, right?

So, as dismayed as anyone feels, lets bear up with one another, and forward on.

Peace Be With You.

Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...