Wednesday, November 16, 2016



Sometimes, it is just SO obvious that God is in every. tiny. detail. It's like, wonderful and gives me chills all at the same time when I recognize it! Because, of course, I know He is bigger than anything, and, I now the details are where He works, but when I get the privilege of seeing it... of recognizing... Just, wow.

The verse we are praying over Danielle this week showed up in a completely different prayer circle. The challenge of once again changing some diet habits is on my mind, and within 24 hours, the message that God has it, He helps me, He, indeed, fights my battles, has been shown to me multiple times. A verse, a parable, a nurse practitioner, and a book have all delivered to me the same message:
"Child... Why do you try to do this without Me? Invite Me to help. I will carry you..."


Just, Praise. God is so good. And He is so in the details, in the waiting, in the challenge.

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