Sunday, July 27, 2014


It's always good to check in:) 

The summer is going by way. too. fast... I keep saying, "oh, we have plenty of time..."

Plenty of time to make that decision... To get that hair cut... To plan for the school year...

For us there are officially only five weeks of summer left (!) my mantra is, lately, "what?! Where'd the time go?!"

I had a list of all the awesome stuff we were going to do, and of all that school work we were going to finish up, and that "summer schedule" we were going to adapt.

Um, no.

So, thank goodness for new days, new moments and new school years.  And really, we are so, so blessed. It is so natural for us (me) to count all the negatives (why, why, why do I do that?) instead of focusing on all the positives (lists are nice for that, though... The positive stuff... Don't count or list the negatives- just some practical advice, there)...

Last week the Tomster got his (gulp) senior pictures... It'll feel like tomorrow when he graduates next spring... The baby will be a middle-schooler (ish- we homeschool her, after all), and the middle one is six feet tall, and sporting a pixie cut (!), and is still. growing... like today- she grew today- even though I denied it out loud- inside I was like, 'she is taller. Again.' And her shoe size... People... Size 12... When your daughter is thirteen, and wants to go shoe shopping, you need to pre-medicate on a good day! When your daughter is thirteen, and wants to go shoe shopping, and has a size 12 foot, you need to pre-medicate, devise an escape plan, and have the emergency room on stand-by for defcon1. And it's also nice to have some wine at the end of the day, or before, or whenever.

It's true.

So, embrace your little ones (even if they are bigger than you), pray over them, pray for yourself, and Thank Him who blessed you with what you need. He knows what He is doing, even when we don't know what we are doing.

And that is my little check-in and my humble perspective:)


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