Thursday, May 17, 2012


It has been that kind of time of year, where writing and posting, unfortunately, fall by the wayside.  Between schedules, and activities (and yard sales) it is just way hard to find time for my self and my creative writing projects. 

Please forgive Me!! (I love to write and post... so, I'm probably projecting, here... )

We have had a few breaks here and there- smoothies at Potomac Mills... and Date Knight at Chic-fil-a!

Anyway- It's been a lovely, busy (and hot and humid) spring.  Classes are ending, activities are coming to a close, SOLs are in full swing (read: anxiety, perfectionism/panic attacks)... it's all good, though.  I honestly feel like this season is just that:  A season. 

There is always room for improvement!  So, that means hopefully I'll start writing more again!

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