Monday, January 15, 2018

Post Holiday Blues...

It happens to all of us, right?

I love the holidays! I put the tree up and decorate the house the first weekend in November, when possible. Sometimes, decorating will happen before that. I love it when there is an extra weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I used to leave the decorations up until the day of Epiphany, but usually a few days after Christmas I'm putting "Christmas away." It is almost like I'm trying to beat the blues by just getting everything done while I'm still in a good place- you know- mentally.

This year we surprised the kids and took a cruise to the Caribbean. We (our family) have taken cruises before, but it has been about nine years since we last took a cruise. We (Mark and I) kept our plan a secret so that no one could give it away by accident. I was afraid that I would mess up, or Mark would, but we did it! The kids were shocked! We had a fun time, too. On the cruise, we were able to truly vacation from the everyday stuff of life-- I didn't even have to make my bed for a whole week!

Now, here is the real life version:

All three kids got seasick, Tommy over-ate and was sick one night prior to being seasick. We had two episodes of "slightly rough" seas, hence the seasickness. Here's a life hack: take the medicine BEFORE you start feeling nauseous. Here's another: buy the patch form of the medicine before you leave home, that way, if you get nauseous, you don't have to swallow a pill. On our last port day- the day I was looking most forward to- the ship couldn't safely run the tinder operation because of wind conditions. So, we actually had five sea days.

Now, I KNOW this is a very first world problem- to be disappointed on a cruise. I mean, I'm on a luxury ship, eating fantastic food (that I don't have to cook, mind you), going to fabulous shows, sitting in a solarium, going in the pools and hot tubs... I am lucky to have been able to do this. A vacation- probably the last vacation with all the kids being under our roof and provision- what a lucky, blessed girl I am to be able to enjoy such a treat.

So, the "disappointment" that I didn't get to do all the things I wanted is just that- a disappointment. Perspective, though, means I totally and completely recognize the privilege of being able to go on vacation. So, when people ask if we had fun, the answer is a resounding yes. Was it all smiling and roses, though? No. of course not. Life isn't like that. We had some challenges, some disappointments, and we still had a great trip, and we learned some things... Tommy learned four hotdogs and four ice cream cones don't mix, for example. Katie didn't want to do the teen-club thing on the ship, even though I was sure she would. Danielle didn't want to do the teen thing, either (which didn't surprise me), but she enjoyed being solitary, and on her own. Mark and I got to stay up late and enjoy one another without the pressure of a schedule. It was refreshing. It was renewing. It was good.

It is a new year again. Time to focus on health, habits, decluttering (always), and relationships. It really does go by too fast- time, that is.

My word this year is contentment. I'm striving to be content. In all things, Paul (the apostle) was content. I'm going to give it a try this year. God has whispered (very loudly) in my ears, on my heart, to be content. Enjoy where I am. He gives me what I need. It's going to be alright... and all right.

Oh, January

As per usual, January was a s**t show (don’t let that picture fool you, it’s from February). I don’t know why we can’t have a calm January, ...