Sunday, July 10, 2016


Our hearts have been heavy this week.  Sunday, church day, God's day.  Actually all days are His, but this day, especially, has been special.  I've got a great church, with some great pastors, who in their wisdom decided to spend today's service in prayer, in praise, in worship, in mourning. 

I was reminded to take some moments to step out of the shoes of my perspective, and step into the shoes of those survivors of the violence that happened this week.  My circumstance and perspective are not the most important, or the most right, or the most relevant.  

As a Christian, I pray for the lives lost this week, and for the families and friends of those lives lost.  All lives are precious.  I was reminded that pro-life doesn't just mean in the womb.  We need to be pro-life for all lives.  

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