Friday, October 28, 2016

It's almost over😅

Another week gone:) 

Another week closer to the end of this election season. I can't even. Seriously. I can offer a little wisdom, though, and it is this:  stop scaring the children. 

Also... It is not about who gets elected... Fix your eyes on things above, specifically, on God. He raises up rulers, and He takes them down. When you start feeling despair, just look UP. And pray- because we should all be doing a little more of that:)

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Mission work


Good Morning! 

I am slightly sick with a cold, and I'm thinking about mission work. Right now my mission field is the home. I've read that so many times this week, that I feel like I need to say, "ok, God, I got it!" Although, admittedly, I am a little slow on the uptake most days. 

My daughter, my middle, old-soul, child is going on her first mission trip in December. To India. Over Christmas. Please pray for us all. She is both excited and a little nervous. 

The spiritual attacking by the enemy is palpable to us all. She is going to do great things, and the enemy is doing his best to wear her down


Please consider joining in prayer with me, with Danielle, with all of us for protection from the trickery of Satan, for a great trip, for her to impact those she will be ministering to and with. Pray for peace. Pray for safety. 

So many things to pray for this week! Across the world are atrocious acts, flooding, poverty, soul-emptying pain. Pray for all of it, them, people, politics, the world.

We need You, Lord.



Friday, October 14, 2016

Catching up, of course!

Again, again, and again...

I'm totally failing at writing more often. 

Again, check in at Fredericksburg Parent magazine for my weekly blog. 

Here are some links: about homeschooling:) a Tommy update! the love/hate of technology🙄 and the half-way point for Tommy

It's a crazy, crazy life, isn't it?

It Isn’t Supposed To Be This Hard

  Ever feel like it’s one crisis after another… after another… and on it goes? Someone is always having an issue, or is behaving as if the w...