Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it snow...

Last night... out the front door...
This morning... out the back door...

We are literally snowed in. The last storm that dumped this much snow on the state of Virginia happened before I had kids that wanted to go out and play in it! I love a good snow storm... I love the gift of being forced to STAY HOME. I wonder at the beauty of God's marvelous creation... is it true that no two snow flakes are the same? Really? I ponder the global warming scenario (18 inches, 28 degrees... this is the south). I really hope we don't lose power (I like heat inside when it is cold outside). I'm thankful for a hard working husband (48 hours ON duty for the citizens of Fairfax). I pray for warmth and safety for everyone in the midst of a perfect storm...




All had fun playing this morning! All are now inside... drying and thawing out!

1 comment:

  1. COPENHAGEN [AP] – Shocked and shaken by the theft of the Auschwitz sign, the world community must now "take note" of another midnight action. This time its a deal brokered by US President Barack Obama at the largest and most important U.N. meeting ever on fighting global warming. The new deal, which abandons the most vulnerable of nations along with the world's biologically rich tropical forests, continues a pattern of what international representatives call a "real lack of transparency" by the White House. Obama dismissed the UN's criticisms of his unusual and undemocratic negotiating process as "cynicism" while declaring his unbinding document an "unprecedented breakthrough". Obama's document promises to funnel up to $100B a year through the UN Development Programme, widely known for its corruption. "The deal is a triumph of spin over substance," said Jeremy Hobbs, executive director of Oxfam International, it "kicks back" on the issue of "climate cash". Like the Nazis sending "6 million people into furnaces" in the Holocaust, Obama is condemning the world to wide-spread global warming deaths, other leaders pointed out. Meanwhile, outside in the cold, hundreds of European protesters chanted and carried signs of Obama with the word "shame" pasted on his face.


Still…. I realize

Once again, I am looking to the hills, where my Help comes from, the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I desperately am reminding myself ...