Thursday, December 31, 2009

what a year!

2009 highlights:

We've had a thoroughly wonderful, and challenging year! A lot of great stuff... a lot of hard stuff (I miss you so much, Amy!) Nothing worthwhile is EVER easy. I know I've got to take the good with the bad (and I know that is a cliche... totally). BUT, it is true. And there was a lot of good stuff!

Danielle got her braces off! The result: a great, beautiful, terrific smile!

Mark worked as an ICU nurse. Result: Mark questions his sanity, and decides to go for the advanced practice degree with my complete and total blessing (translation: another 3-4 years of school).

Tommy participates in the spelling bee - makes it to regional competition. What kind of a spelling word is goatee?

Katie started home schooling with us! Now I question my sanity on most of the school days. The child does. not. sit. She broke her collar bone last month, remember?

Camping and hiking... hiking and camping... I'm looking forward to more "posh" camping with a pop-up instead of a tent... maybe this year.

Home school conference! (!!!) What an amazing, motivating, hopeful, faith- instilling conference to attend. The speakers and workshops were amazing. I've already signed up for the 2010 conference.

Genetics consult... what can I say? We are all created perfectly for Him, by Him. There are no mistakes. There really are no right answers, either, except that He knew us all before we were knitted in our mother's womb, and He holds us in the palm of His hand.

Mud run for Mark -- he got muddy, and dirty, and had a blast running.

Allergy consult- 4 out of 5 of us are receiving allergy shots, now. I'm considering buying stock in zyrtec and flonase. Avoiding wheat does not improve behavior in my autistic child; it only causes strife and breeds defiance. Nor does wheat cause him to break out or have an anaphylactic reaction. We will limit exposure to allergens, but not completely avoid them. This makes everyone (the entire family unit) a bit happier.

Florida for 2 weeks: Sweet, loving, wise G-ma with all her stories, and pictures. A lovely two weeks with a lovely lady, and wonderful family.

Florida for Thanksgiving! A tradition that dates back to before I was married! I love our family! Plus, this year, my parents celebrated forty years together by going on a cruise!

Belvedere Plantation. A beautiful place to celebrate Fall!

A little golf --Tommy played some.

A lot of dance... need I say more?!

Oh yeah... I started blogging. I love it.

Happy New Years Eve!!!!! May we all have a blessed 2010!!

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Still…. I realize

Once again, I am looking to the hills, where my Help comes from, the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I desperately am reminding myself ...