Thursday, July 23, 2009

(image from

It has been a busy, busy week. I have decided that deep, deep, deep breathing is helpful, and prayer is better. I've also decided that moving, and doing instead of sitting and stewing is a bit more constructive to get to feeling more organized. Also, the organization helps. I just read an article that said take it one room at a time... how about one issue at a time, as well... even one drawer at a time?

One of my bestest friends really uplifted me yesterday. She confirmed that while I think I have no more on my plate than anyone else, I do have a lot on my plate. Feeling overwhelmed, and embracing that feeling, then learning tools to work through it all is the way to go... and especially to keep praying, and keep faith. 'E' (said friend... like a sister-type-of-friend) is the person that tells you what you need to hear with kindness and grace. She not only helped me realize I do have a lot to get organized and working properly (anxiety under control, curriculum in order for the fall, etc.), but that it isn't impossible (she is really good at problem solving), and I've done pretty well so far, and that I have, indeed, had a lot to go through (she was actually much more flattering... she made me feel so much better).

So: friends moving is not a blase- type of thing; a gluten -free diet and medication management for an autistic son is really not just a challenge, but a huge change; it's OK to feel sad and overwhelmed when things don't go as planned (think camping trip); and incorporating three very different children and a husband in to all sorts of plans, trips, activities, and schools (home school for the kids, and college for the husband) is actually not just a job... it's an adventure (sorry, had a Navy dad)! But, anyway, it's OK to say it isn't easy, because it's not, but I try to believe that it is (easy, and no big deal).

Arise, and cry out, I say! Pray hard and loud! I believe the Lord is leading me, I just need to try to listen a little harder, and meditate on His words more.

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Still…. I realize

Once again, I am looking to the hills, where my Help comes from, the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I desperately am reminding myself ...